38. the finals

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Eun byul felt an odd amount of excitement as she waited to be called to the stage. Her whole life, she had loved playing the violin, but that passion was covered with layers of greed and spite. Winning at the time was the standard and a typical chore. Only now, she felt true love for the violin.

Eun byul's fingers moved along strings on the fingerboard as she practiced silently by herself backstage. She was wearing a light pearly pink gown and her hair was tied neatly in a bun. She looked like a princess. Eun byul continued to practice and only think about the final round, after all, she and Heeseung were up first. It was until her practice was disrupted by gentle knocks on her dressing room door.

"Come in," she exclaimed.

The door opened and a familiar face peeked in.

"Byulie," Jongseong smiled, rushing in.

Eun byul had invited Jongseong to come to see the final. After everything Jongseong did for her, she thought she could thank him by showing him the best performance she could give to the world.

"Jongseong! I'm so happy you made it. I wasn't sure if you were going to come or not because of school and swimming."

"Pft, school over this, I would skip school any day," he gave her a cheeky look, "Anyways, congrats for making it to the final. I've heard your recordings online and you and Heeseung are great. Speaking of Heeseung, where is that guy? I want to chat with him before I go into the theatre."

"Thank you and Heeseung is in the restroom getting ready for the competition. We're up first," she explained.

"Well, I'll leave you then and let you finish prepping and go find Heeseung," Jongseong started making his way out, "And Byulie, you look beautiful."

She gave him a warm smile. "Thank you, Jongseong. I mean it. And I really appreciate everything you have done for me and for staying by my side. I'm sorry I never told you sooner. If there's anything you need, I will do anything to repay you, to show my gratitude."

"There's no need. I was just helping out a friend," he said softly, giving her a small smile and closing the door.

He was looking at the ground as he left the room. The smile Jongseong had been wearing disappeared quickly. Part of him felt bitter, but he knew he had to move on, but the lingering feelings he had for Eun byul were difficult to ignore. As he looked up, he was eye to eye with Heeseung.

"Didn't expect to see you here, Jongseong," Heeseung exclaimed, staring at him like he was an abnormal creature.

Jongseong took a long stare at Heeseung and then back at himself. Heesueng was all suited up and looked professional. He hated to admit it, but he looked good. Really good. Jongseong on the other hand was wearing a casual sweater with a pair of jeans. There was just something about Heeseung.

"Well, Byulie invited me."

"Huh, Byulie?" Heeseung cocked his head, "That I never heard of."

Jongseong sighed with a slight tone of frustration. "Heeseung, just take care of her, okay? Clearly, I was no match in the first place because it was always going to be you."

"Don't worry, I will and I have."

Jongseong patted Heeseung's shoulder as he began to walk past him.

"Good luck today."


Eun byul tapped her foot nervously as she waited to be directed to the center of the stage. As the host thanked the guest, judges, and sponsors, Eun byul felt a nervous excitement build up. She looked up to Heeseung who was standing beside her. He gave her a wide grin.

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