36. semis

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The competition was fiercer than ever as Eun byul and Heeseung made their way through the top during the second round and now the semifinals. Their chemistry was better than ever as they were ranked second during the second round. The competition had been narrowed down to 4 contestants: Cha Eun byul, Cha Eunmi, Kim Sunoo, and Kang Taehyun. Each round had been so close among the 4 as each played with near perfection and expertise. As the 4 contestants made it to the semifinals, there would only be 3 players to compete in the final.

It seemed that Eunmi was slowly falling apart since the first round, her rank dropping each round. At this point, Soobin was the only person keeping them together. Every performance was a reminder to Eunmi she wasn't playing alone. However, her fear and inferiority complex were gradually jeopardizing her position in the competition as she was in 4th place during the second round. Eun byul's success and sync energy with Heeseung was terrifying to her, but this was her last chance to prove to herself she was better than her younger sister.


All 4 contestants along with their accompanists were waiting behind the stage, bracing themselves for the commencement of the competition. The competition was gaining more attention as the theatre was almost filled to full capacity. Everyone coming to see the competition came for one reason: to see Eun byul play. The previous popularity of Eun byul playing against Eunmi died down as news spread around quickly on how you could feel Eun byul's heart and soul as she played with Heeseung.

"Eun byul, are you ready?" Heeseung asked. He was ready in his black and white tuxedo, his long bangs swept back neatly with gel. "We'll be up after Eunmi and Soobin play."

Eun byul gave him a confident smile and nodded her head. She was dressed in a navy blue dress, dark as the night sky, her hair was slicked back and straight. For the semifinals, they would play Beethoven's Sonata No. 7 in C minor, Op. 30, Saint-Saëns' Sonata No. 1 in D minor, Op. 75, and Saint-Saëns' Introduction and Rondo Capriccioso, Op. 28. It would be a long performance, but they were certain that they would execute it with perfection.

Eun byul stood next to Heeseung as they watched the live recording of the competition. Sunoo and Taehyun had played particularly well, but there was nothing new coming from them. As it was finally Eunmi and Soobin's turn to play, Eunmi looked as if she already lost while walking onto the stage. She took a big breath and placed her violin under her chin, her bow on the strings. Soobin began to play the first notes, the first piece being Beethoven's Sonata No. 1 in D Major, Op. 12. Eun byul found it quite odd for her sister to be playing such a mellow piece. Knowing Eunmi, she would've played something outrageously difficult and flamboyant. But this time, she played as if she had finally been humbled. Her playing was sorrowful and sounded as if she was throwing herself a pity party.

"This is so weird," Eun byul muttered under her breath, "She's just not trying anymore."

"Yeah, I get what you mean. Are you upset by it?" Heeseung responded, "You seem to be."

"I guess I am. All she ever does is look down on me and spout shit, but this is what she does?" Eun byul shook her head, "It's infuriating because all she does is talk about how she'll beat me, but she doesn't even try."

Heeseung gave Eun byul a hug from the side and rubbed her shoulders assuringly.

"I'm sure your history with Eunmi says a lot. I mean from the interactions I've seen between you guys, you bring out the worst in each other. You don't even address each other by name or call her unnie. But don't overthink it too much."

Eun byul let out a wry chuckle, "We've had this tension once I made my debut. I always had this motivation to one-up my older sister and I suppose I craved attention and validation from everyone so I could be on top. My mom had this nickname for me. She would call me her 'shining silver star.' But there was nothing for Eunmi so I felt like I had to maintain the status my mother gave me. My obsession drove me farther to insanity. If it weren't for you, then I would've never changed." Eun byul paused, "Anyways, her playing right now is just disappointing. Because we both worked so hard for this I really wanted to have a real competition with her. Face her with the new me, you know?"

"I do," he exclaimed, giving her a mischievous grin, "So, why don't we try and spark a little something to get Eunmi back on her game?"


Eunmi and Soobin had finished playing. The audience seemed to feel the pent-up emotions Eunmi was feeling throughout her performance, leaving the atmosphere had become moody and grey. She began to walk backstage with her head down, Soobin following behind. Eun byul and Heeseung were called by the stage director as they were the most anticipated competitors and were closing the semifinals. The two sisters had crossed paths, Eun byul pausing, grabbing her sister's wrist.

"Stop throwing yourself a pity party," Eun byul whispered, "You're playing was pathetic. You acted as if you'd already lost when you know you have another chance. Stop thinking about the past and move on. Play like it's the last time you'll ever play the violin if you want to beat me."

Eun byul continued to walk forward as Eunmi felt her blood boil and clenched her teeth so hard, her jaw hurt. She had felt like she was a loser all her life next to Eun byul, but this time she felt like complete shit. Eunmi felt tears leak from her eyes rapidly as she and Soobin walked back to her dressing room.

"Surely, I will destroy you in the final."


"Our last competitor of the semifinals is contestant, Cha Eunmi with her accompanist, Lee Heeseung," the announcer exclaimed through the loudspeakers.

The moody feeling left the audience as Eun byul and Heeseung were greeted with welcoming applause. The two readied themselves on stage and began to play. Their response to the audience was like listening to the sound of satisfaction. The audience was immediately captivated by the glowing, golden sound.

"I feel good," Eun byul thought, as she continued to play with ease, "Everything feels light and just perfect. It doesn't matter what the judges or the audience or what Eunmi thinks. Playing with Heeseung is like grasping freedom and I want to be free for eternity."

Eun byul felt herself smile warmly on the stage. For the first time, she truly felt a sort of euphoria. It wasn't like the fury she felt in round 1 or the satisfaction she felt in round 2. Her heart was nearly at peace.

The music she played with Heeseung was so perfectly in sync it was like seeing an elegant waltz under the moonlight. Heeseung and Eun byul were meant to be. He completed her and Eun byul wanted to be with him for the rest of her life.


a/n: well y'all "lonely sounds" is slowly coming to an end

lonely sounds | l. heeseungWhere stories live. Discover now