33. a blur

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Eun byul was satisfied with her score and felt a thrilling excitement when she saw her sister below her

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Eun byul was satisfied with her score and felt a thrilling excitement when she saw her sister below her. She turned around to search for Heeseung. Eun byul owed him an apology for the way she reacted after their performance. Stress and anxiety took over her after her encounter with her sister, but she knew shouldn't have blown up on him. However, instead of finding Heeseung, she faced a middle-aged woman fuming. Her hair was tied in a deranged bun with flyaway hairs everywhere. She wore a lavender padded coat and held a beige handbag. Her eyes looked as if sparks of fire would come out of them and her jaw trembled.

"Mrs. Kim-"

She felt a harsh slap crash against her cheek. The lobby went silent as the crowd of violinists and pianists stared at the two.

"You evil bitch," Mrs. Kim blurted coldly, "How dare you show your face at this place. How dare you play that damned instrument again! After all the pain you caused for my family and my daughter, I can't believe you have the audacity to come back here and play!"

Eun byul couldn't say anything. She never imagined seeing Mrs. Kim again since Yeseo passed away. Eun byul felt a lump in her throat and her eyes burning with tears brimming in her eyes. She couldn't move and she kept her head down. Just as Mrs. Kim was about to strike her again, a hand caught Mrs. Kim's.

"That's enough eemo," Heeseung exclaimed.

"How dare you," she scowled, "To take her side and play. You are one fucked up person."

"Eemo, I know you're in pain, but this is unacceptable, especially in public. Hold your emotions back momentarily. Security is coming. You just assaulted a violinist at this competition," he told her firmly, "I know you're furious at us, but now is not the time. The people here don't understand anything and think you're a madwoman."

"You fucking son of a bitch!" She screamed.

Mrs. Kim tried to escape Heeseung's grip, but before she knew it, she was being escorted out of the building by security before she could cause more commotion. Eun byul stood in the center of the lobby in shock. Whispers and murmurs surrounded her.

"Are you in a lot of pain?" Heeseung asked, lifting Eun byul's head up.

Eun byul looked away from his gaze, biting her lower lip. Tears started to escape her eyes as her face was a deep shade of red from the slap.

"Let's go."


Heeseung took her out of the theatre and they made their way to an empty park. He sat Eun byul down on a bench and caressed her face. Eun byul began to wail as tears streamed down her face. She covered her face with her hands as she let out sobs of mixed emotions.

"I knew this wasn't a good idea," she sobbed.

Heeseung embraced her in a hug and held her tightly. He gave her comforting strokes on her back as she continued to cry. After all the built-up tension and the unexpected encounter with Mrs. Kim, Eun byul was immensely overwhelmed and she couldn't hold herself together.

"I feel like I can't breathe here. Ever since we got here," Eun byul continued to cry, "I'm scared, Heeseung. I'm scared everyone is going to find out what I did. I'm practically a murderer for what I did to her. I'm so selfish and I-"

"Eun byul, you can just cry," Heeseung whispered comfortingly, "You don't need to explain yourself. I know you have so many thoughts and emotions going through right now."

Eun byul cried into his shoulder as her tears stained his shirt. He held her close until she felt okay. When she finished crying, Heeseung went over to a nearby convenience store to buy her a pack of ice for her face. He came back with the package, sitting back down on the bench, and placed the ice by her reddened cheek.

"She hit you real hard," he said softly, "Your cheek is really swollen."

Eun byul was in a daze as all her energy was drained from crying. Her eyes were red and puffy and she looked exhausted from the traumatic day. They stayed at the park until the sun went down and watched people walk by. She felt calmer as she sat in silence staring at the sky.

"Heeseung," she exclaimed, her voice sounding drained, "Why did you kiss me earlier?"

After how eventful her day was, Heeseung was not expecting Eun byul to ask him this question. Sure she would pop the question at some point, he didn't think it was the time.

Heeseung let out a small smile and looked at her.

"Well isn't it obvious? I like you, Eun byul," he exclaimed coolly.

Eun byul felt her heart flutter. Eun byul turned her head to Heeseung to find him glancing at her in awe, the autumn sunset gleaming over him. Deep down she knew that he liked her, but for some reason, she found herself denying the fact Heeseung had feelings for her.

"How can you confess so forwardly?" she blushed, suddenly finding herself filled with energy.

"I mean after everything we've done together, why wouldn't I have feelings for you? I've had admiration for you for many years and getting to meet you by chance was probably the best thing that could happen to me. You make me feel like I'm a good person and I enjoy your company."

Eun byul felt tears form in her eyes again, quickly wiping them before they could escape her eyes.

"What's wrong? Did I say something you didn't like?" Heeseung asked, panic in his voice. This was the first time he had shown some vulnerability with her.

"No," she sniffled, letting out a soft laugh, "It's just I never thought someone could love me. After all the wrongs I did and the people I hurt, especially your family and Yeseo's, I never thought someone would have feelings for me this way. I'm grateful that you like me."

"We aren't perfect people," he said with comfort, "And it's okay that we're not."

For the first time, Eun byul let out a genuine smile, still wiping her tears.

"Thank you, Heeseung."

He brought her in close and hugged her with warmth.

"What about you? How do you feel about me?" he asked her, not letting go.

"I like you too," Eun byul whispered in his ear.

He let go of Eun byul to look at her face once more. She was brighter and happier despite the occurrences in the day. He caressed her cheek, as he leaned in. This time Eun byul was preparing herself and closed her eyes. Heeseung let out a sneaky smile as he noticed her readying herself. But instead of a kiss on the lips, he planted one on the side of her swollen cheek. Eun byul opened her eyes, face beet red, and looked at him with confusion.

"Ouch," she winced from the little impact from her swollen cheek.

"Look at you ready to kiss me again," he teased.

Eun byul let out an embarrassed chuckle, but only this time she seemed genuinely happy. Heeseung let out a cheeky smile but felt happy to see her smile and laugh at his antics.

"You're so annoying," she laughed, "First you steal my first kiss and don't give me a proper one?"

Eun byul grabbed the collar of Heeseung's shirt and pulled him to her, smashing her lips on his. Heeseung's lip moved in sync as they stayed in that moment. For the first time in many years, Eun byul felt warmth and fulfillment. She wasn't alone and Heeseung was never going to leave her.

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