15. the other night

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Beads of sweat rolled down Eun byul's face as she lowered her bow and raised her head

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Beads of sweat rolled down Eun byul's face as she lowered her bow and raised her head. Breathing heavily, she saw the faces of hundreds of students, adults, and teachers. In an instant, the audience gave a loud round of applause and roared with cheers.

"I did it," Eun byul thought to herself in relief.

And after a few more performances, the talent show had come to an end. Though Eun byul and Heeseung did not win the first place prize, it was more than enough to satisfy Heeseung.

"Eun byul you did amazing," Heeseung exclaimed with a smile as the two sat on a bench, enjoying the school festival sunset.

"Thanks," Eun byul responded quietly, looking at her fingers. Clearly, her thoughts were elsewhere.

"What's wrong?" Heeseung questioned, leaning back into the bench relaxed, stretching his arms out, "You just completed a difficult milestone yet you look so upset."

"If I decided to agree on a more exciting musical selection as you suggested, we would've won first place. I'm sorry Heeseung."


Eun byul stared at him, perplexed and offended by his brash response.

"Sorry," Heeseung laughed, "I didn't realize you'd be upset over this. It's not even a real competition and yet you're peeved by this loss? You're quite comical."

She was stunned by Heeseung's blunt response and unable to respond to him.

"But seriously Eun byul, don't get too worked up over a mere talent show. If you want something to worry about then let's go win nationals."

Eun byul let out a soft smile and looked at him.

"Alright, let's go win nationals."

The two sat silently, watching the summer day fade into the night.

"Oh, one more thing," Heeseung exclaimed, glancing at her, "What's with you and Jongseong? Are you guys really close?"

"Yeah, he's been my closest friend ever since I moved from Seoul. Why do you ask?"

"It's nothing. I see you guys hanging together so I just assumed..." his voice trailed off.

"Please," Eun byul let out a light laugh, "We're not dating. Even though he's one of the nicest guys I met, I'm not sure I'd exactly date Jongseong. Besides, I'm not really interested in romantic relations right now."



After practicing day and night for endless hours, Heeseung decided to take a short break while Eun byul continued to practice. He thought the placating gesture of getting her a small drink would bring them closer. After all, Heeseung had greatly looked up to Eun byul since she debuted.

He purchased two beverages from the vending machine-- peach soda and milkis-- and began walking back up the stairs to the music room. As he approached the room and got closer, he heard quiet conversation coming his way. Peeking into the room he saw Eun byul talking to someone of a tall stature figure. It took Heeseung less than a few seconds to realize she was talking to Jongseong.

"Ever since Heeseung came, you've been a little on edge," Jongseong began to say, "Look, if Heeseung is bothering you, then you don't have to play-"

"That swimmer must hate me," Heeseung scoffed internally, "I should've known he liked Eun byul from the beginning. It makes much more sense why he cares so much about her decision."

"Jongseong," Eun byul cut him off, "I want to play the violin. I want to play again and find what kind of path this life will take me. And no kidding, I'm scared as heck, but I'm willing to try. I want to find my happiness again. I remember I was always happy on stage, but since I was the reason Yeseo is gone, I couldn't find the will to live. Every single day I question if I should be alive, if I deserve to live. If playing the violin again will help me, I'm willing to do anything to find my worth."

He smirked to himself as he glanced over at them again. He saw the image of Jongseong hugging Eun byul, but she hugged him back too. Just as Jongseong said goodbye and headed out the door, Heeseung grabbed his arm. Letting out a gasp of surprise, Heeseung stared at Jongseong dead in the eyes.

"Listen, swimmer," he whispered into Jongseong's ear, "Don't even think about interfering with me and Eun byul. You have no idea how hard she's been working for this. You quite frankly wouldn't understand our sophisticated world of competition. Don't discourage her."

Jongseong scoffed in amusement, "Let me tell you one thing, city rat: I've personally known Eun byul longer than you've seen her on stage. Don't think I don't know who you are. I know you're a reputable pianist. But, if you ever hurt Eun byul, I will make your life a living hell."

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