18. secret violin

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The sun was still high in the sky as Eun byul and Heeseung left the school premises

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The sun was still high in the sky as Eun byul and Heeseung left the school premises. Eun byul led the way as Heeseung quietly followed her. He was oddly silent which was a first for Eun byul as she remembers the boy being extremely boisterous and cheerful. But today something seemed a little off.

"When are you going to start using your own violin, Eun byul?" he suddenly asked out of the blue.

She immediately turned around and stopped walking. "Hah, you found out."

"You didn't think I noticed. It was quite obvious when I saw you take home that school violin on the first day we practiced. Are you planning to use that violin for nationals?"

"I don't know," she muttered.

"Is there something wrong with your current violin?" Heeseung continued to interrogate Eun byul.

"There's nothing wrong with it," her voice trailed off, "I just don't like it... I guess."

"You don't like your 50 grand violin? Now that's a little hard to believe," he shrugged as he began to walk in front of Eun byul, "You know if we want the best sound for the competition, you should take your chances with the better one, right?"

"You're right, but-"

"But what?" Heeseung asked, cutting her off.


"It still seems that you need to think about some things, Eun byul. Let's do the essay another time, okay? And think about if you're willing to participate in nationals because I'm perfectly fine with your choice," he smiled curtly at her and began walking in the opposite direction from her, "See you tomorrow."

Eun byul sighed as she continued to walk back to her house. At this point, she couldn't care less about the essay, but only nationals were on her mind. Eun byul had to find some way to show Heeseung that she was going to be committed to competing, but she so desperately didn't want to open up all the fear she held inside.


"Hi mom, I'm home," Eun byul announced, walking into her house.

"Hi sweetie," her mom greeted her, "How was school?"

"It was alright. Mr. Hwang was being a bit harsh and assigned a ten-page essay over summer break, but otherwise,  school was as ordinary as any other day. I'm going into the practice room. Would it be okay if no one came in?" she requested.

"Of course, honey."

Eun byul opened the door to the room she once feared. Instead of dust infiltrating the room and causing irritating sneezes, it was sparkling clean and not a single particle of filth lingered. She closed the door lightly and locked it. Walking over to the desk pushed into the corner of the grey walls, Eun byul opened one of the draws pulling out a pack of cigarettes and a lighter.

Smoking since 17. Obviously, Eun byul was aware she shouldn't be smoking, but it was a coping method. Quite an unhealthy one, but it worked. Of course her parents would be oblivious because one, they had their own problems to tend to and two, her father was a daily smoker so the house always had scents of tobacco. If antidepressants and therapy wouldn't work there were clearly different options. Sometimes getting wasted when her parents weren't home gave her pure joy. It was as if all society's problems went away and she was in pure bliss till she was struck with reality.

Lighting up the cigarette and pulling the window open, Eun byul inhaled the cigarette deeply and slumped down onto the ground.

"God, I haven't smoked in ages. Feels kinda good, unfortunately," she thought bitterly, "Now to prove to Heeseung that I am capable of performing with him. This is the first time he's actually doubted me after praising me nonstop. What on earth goes on in that brain of his?"

a/n: saved this chapter for today 🥰

happy new year !!

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