21. back to the past

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Seoul? Why Seoul?" Eun byul tilted her head

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Seoul? Why Seoul?" Eun byul tilted her head.

"I think it would be a good opportunity for us to get a feel of the competition."

Eun byul let out a slight smirk as she took another sip of her milkis. "When do we leave?"

"Next week."


And so, with approval from both of their parents, Eun byul and Heeseung would stay in Seoul for the entirety of summer break and reside at Heeseung's cousin, Moon Saejin's, apartment. On the train to Seoul, Heeseung and Eun byul sat with their personal luggage that was crowding their leg space and sat in front of each other. They smiled and laughed as they snacked on boiled eggs, savory kimbap, and sweet-tart clementines.

"Hey Heeseung," Eun byul exclaimed as she popped a clementine in her mouth, "Jongseong's competition for finals is in Seoul next week. Should we go see him?"

"Jongseong..." Heeseung's voice trailed off.

"Well, you don't have to come if you don't want to. I'll probably go if our schedule is empty. It's a big day for our high school swim team."

"I might as well tag along with you. Besides, I've never seen a swim competition in real life."

As the train came to its final stop, Heeseung and Eun Byul stood in the busy, loud, streets of Seoul. Cars honked and busy office workers scurried along the sidewalks.

"It's been way too long," Eun byul thought to herself.

Together, they made their way to Heeseung's cousin's apartment. Saejin greeted the two warmly and led them to their residence. Her apartment was rather big for a person who just got a job and was fresh out of college. Every aspect of her house was furnished with modern furniture and simplistic decor.

As soon as they finished unpacking, Heeseung and Eun byul grabbed their sheet music and left to go practice for the upcoming competition in the fall. Despite having the whole summer to practice, Eun byul had to memorize four concertos and other pieces for the preliminary round, round I, round II, semifinals, and the finals if they possibly make it. Eun byul had no expectations while Heeseung's hopes were quite high.

Eun byul walked around the familiar streets of Seoul as Heeseung led her to a place that was practically a former second home to her: Song Hanmin's Studio.

"Heeseung," Eun byul stopped walking as soon as she stood in front of the facility, aghast, "Why are we here?"

"I used to practice here all the time," he smiled, as he grabbed her wrist, "Come on, let's go inside."

Eun byul staggered behind Heeseung as she felt her heartbeat intensify and face turn sickly pale.

"Heeseung, I can't go in there," her voice quivered.

Heeseung stopped walking as they stood in the empty hallways.

"What's the matter?"

"This place... this place is filled with awful, horrible, memories. It's all with her and I can't do it to her," she said with distress, covering her eyes, "We practiced in here every single day for at least 5 hours. I never let her take a break. She despised me. She hated me so much she hoped that I lived in fear for the rest of my life."

Tears trickled down the sides of her cheeks.

"Okay, let's go outside so you can take a breather," Heeseung responded softly, wrapping his arm around her shoulder, and leading her the way out.

The two sat on a bench outside Song Hanmin's Studio, in silence while Heeseung waited for any type of response from Eun byul.

And finally, she spoke.

"Heeseung, be honest with me okay," she took a deep sigh, "How long did you follow me that you know every one of my weaknesses?"


a/n: hello everyone! it certainly has been a very long time since I last posted. my life has currently been busy and eventful. i will try my best to keep updating this story. I'm so thankful to all of you and that you've been reading my book! i love you all <3

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