Chapter 33- In a Vulnerable Position

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Dedicated to nikkibuu22 for being the last person to comment 2 chapters ago and because she's an awesome friend.❤️❤️❤️😘😘I also dedicate this to KayLeigh043 .😍😘😘

Chapter 33- In a Vulnerable Position

_____Ayana's Pov_______

I knew I was up. I knew I was awake but no light could be seen through my eyes. Flashes of what had happened minutes before I could no longer see bombarded my mind.

I could hear shuffling in the room. I knew someone was there. My voice trembled in fear but I tried to gain a comfortable stance.

"Who--who's th-there?" I stuttered.

"Glad to see you awake. "I felt her presence closer to me. She helped me seat up although I could not see her.

"Your baby is fine, a few more months till you give birth." she said to me.

"Why can't I see?" I asked worried.

"You were in the dark for so long that your eyes had become used to the dark. The sudden appearance of such bright light caused you to go temporarily blind." she said.

"So I will be able to see again? "I asked with hope in my voice.

"Yes." she said quickly.

"May I ask why am I here?" I asked nervously.

"Well, Raymond is getting back at his brother for stealing Ariel. I know you cannot see right now, but I'm Amara, Henry's stepsister. I begged Henry to get Ariel out of here, due to her father's aggressive behavior. He had already killed Kyra. I wouldn't want Ariel to die like her mother." Amara informed me.

"He killed her? Was it intentional?" I asked, shocked that a man who went through all that trouble to kidnap Kyra, would kill her intentionally.

"I really don't know, I- " she was cut off by a man's voice. It sounded like Raymond, as I had met him when Henry introduced us four years ago.

"Leave." he sneered at Amara. I could hear her shuffling out of the room in fright.

The door shut closed and I believe it was only Raymond and I in the room.

"Well, well, well." he said," You're the police officer who has kept my life as hard as hell for four long years." I heard is footsteps getting closer.

"Look at me." he said calmly but his hand forcefully turned my head in the direction I supposed he was in.

"I can't you moron. One of your foolish men blinded me." I said furiously.

"I'll ignore that statement. I guess that demon inside of you has caused you to become feisty." he said haughtily.

I scoffed in return. If I could have seen him right now I would have punched him so hard and make him suffer.

"By the way, congratulations. You've made me an uncle." he said with spite in his voice.

He sounded very malicious.

"Why are you doing this Raymond? Just let me go back to Henry. He has done nothing to you to for you to reproach him like this." I cried out.

All I heard were footsteps, then I felt hard knocks being placed on my skin.
I screamed in agony and tried to protect my stomach. If I could have seen, I would have surely beaten him up. I hated criminals with a passion.

I felt weaker than I already was and suddenly, I felt to drained to fight for my rights. After hard bruises and cuts which I'm sure would leave a mark were punctured into my skin, I fell into unconsciousness.

_____Ariel's Pov_________

When life keeps bringing you down, you still get up and show them who's boss. So, if I had done that a million times, why couldn't I open my eyes.

A lady with red hair approached me. The moment I saw her, I realized I was dreaming. I had dreamt about her so much, I knew how to differentiate between the real world and a dream, although I suspect that what I was seeing was a memory, a flashback that can probably help me solve the mystery of my mom's death.

'She was with a young girl with long brown hair and I recognized her immediately as my mom. They were both in pajamas, at a slumber party. My mom then heard the doorbell. Both she and the lady with red hair looked at the door in fright. The door was broken down and suddenly, they were both running but got caught by the guy.'

I got up, gasping in fear. Is that what happened to my mom? I had this exact dream when I was younger. I don't think this a coincidence. This really happened .My vision felt blurry and I heard a beep which kept increasing. I also felt pain to my abdomen, which I clutched for dear life, while tears streamed down my face.

Suddenly, a woman came into the room.She was dressed in white and I realized she was a nurse .

"Please relax. You've just come from surgery. We were not expecting you to be up any time soon." she said.

She looked familiar. She looks like the lady from my dreams. My mom's best friend .

"Wait...I know you. You're.." before I could continue, she removed a large needle and injected it into my arm, knocking me out clean.

______Henry's Pov_________

The news just announced a shooting not too far from here. They say it was a teenager who looks about sixteen. She has long black hair and a few people recognized seeing her from the airport, moments before she was kidnapped .

I knew it was Ariel immediately. Edward and Trevor immediately got into the vehicle and we raced to the vehicle.

We had to get to her. After all, she was in a vulnerable situation.

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