Chapter 30- Protecting my loved ones

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Chapter 30- Protecting my loved ones

_______Ariel's Pov_________

After having an interesting talk with Eli, I told him we'd discuss things more. We exchanged numbers and I would text him later. I also apologized to him for the punches I gave him which would leave marks.

After school, my friends went to the various clubs they had signed up for. Elena chose dance, since she was extremely good at it, Dean joined the football team, Sarah, well, you guessed it, the cheerleading squad. Xenia chose chess, Faith chose karate since she was a blue belt, Krystal chose music and believe it or not, I chose the cheer squad.

Everyone was shocked. Sweet little Ariel on the cheer squad. Dean had teased me the entire night. He kept on telling me to wait and see when I will be bossed by Sarah. Fortunately for me, Sarah was not as good as half the girls and she was forced at the back. I was in the front where I could see everything and everyone could see me. Life was good.

As I got to cheer practice, I noticed someone watching me. It was a strange man. I got chills but ignored them. The man was probably just a passer by. Practice went by in a blur and soon it was time to head home.

When I got there, I took a shower and then called Aunty Ayana but her phone went straight to voicemail. I tried again but to no avail. I could sense something was wrong. Not long after, Uncle Henry called me.

"Ariel!" he shouted giving me the chills. I had never heard him so angry.

"Hi Uncle Henry." I said scared.

"Where are you? I thought I told you to come to South Carolina." he said angrily.

"Yes, but I already spoke to my grandparents so I figured I didn't have to come again. Plus, school just opened and I want to spend some time here." I said truthfully.

"Ariel, I tell you everything for a reason. Get here by Saturday. No later. There are things we need to discuss. You are to come by yourself. Your friends may drop you at the airport but you are traveling by yourself." he said sternly.

"Ohh, and tell Aunty Ayana I said hi. I've been trying to call her." I said and suddenly the line went dead.

That's weird. He's been acting strange when ever I ask about Aunty Ayana. Something's going on. I need to find out what.


It was a glorious Friday afternoon and I was currently attending my last class for the day. It was with Nadia, or as I addressed her at school, Ms.Lewis. Today, she wore black pants, a black jacket and a white frilly under top. She had her hair dropped and straight. Class went by in a blur and soon school was dismissed. When the class was almost empty, I went to her.

"Hi Nadia." I said happily.

"Hey Ariel. What's up?" she asked casually.

"Nothing much, just letting you know that tomorrow I'm going to South Carolina. My uncle really wants me down there." I told her.

"Okay. Well, have a safe flight." she said truly caring, " Tell your grandparents I said hi and I really miss them."

"I will do that. I don't know, but there's something strange about the way he's been speaking." I said.

Suddenly, a man walked into the classroom. I ignored him but then froze when I heard his voice.

"Well, well, well, we meet again." he said slyly.

"Good day sir, how may I assist you?" Nadia asked unaware of whom she was speaking to.

I was still frozen in shock and fear. After so many years, why now?

I tried to earn Nadia but a huge lump in my throat prevented me from speaking.

"My daughter here says you're an excellent teacher. I bet you'll be an even better wife."he said.

I think Nadia realized whom she was speaking to as I saw her shoulders tense.

"Raymond, what are you doing here?" she asked with venom in her voice.

She also came in front of me to block me from him.

"Leave ! Before I call the police." Nadia said.

"I don't think you'd like to do that. Ariel, be careful. I'm watching you. Ayana has been a wonderful guest in my castle but I think I want my daughter back. After all, you are the heiress of all that belongs to me." he said with a mischievous glint in his eye.

"What have you done to Aunty Ayana?" I asked angrily and with tears in my eyes.

"Nothing as yet. But I will harm her if you don't come with me. Henry needs to suffer. He took my daughter away from me. I'm not going to make that happen again." he said and walked closer to us.

"Stay back Raymond!" Nadia shouted and got into a fighting stance. She was a black belt in karate as I had read in her files.

"I'll be back for you." Raymond said watching me dead in the eye and exited.

I stood there shocked and didn't realize I was crying until Nadia embraced me in her arms.

"Everything will be okay Ariel but we're not safe here. We need to get out of here now."she said and we ran out the door where my father stood no less than five minutes ago.

We got into her car and drove to my house.

She entered after me and we planned how we could protect our loved ones from Raymond.

One thing's for sure, I won't go down without a fight. I need to ensure Aunty Ayana is safe.

____End of chapter____

I will update soon. Hope you enjoyed this chapter.

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