Chapter 19- Mysterious

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Chapter 19- Mysterious

________Ayana's Pov_______

We've been observing the 'Edwards' for a while and do far nothing strange has happened. They seem like an ordinary family.

" Okay guys, let's do this."Trevor said with a loud clap causing me to glare at him.

"Trevor,we are not here to party. We are here to interrogate these people on a case of over ten years which scarred their family for life. Keep your cool." I seethed at him firmly.

Sarah and I got out of the SUV and walked to the door.

We rang the door bell but no one was home.

We tried the door just to be on the safe side but it was locked .

"Edward, where does Andrea work?" I asked.

"She owns her own company,I don't know the name but it's located in the middle of town." he responded.

"Well, what are we waiting for ?" I said and walked into the SUV.

Half an hour later, Sarah and I entered the law office.

"Good day, is Mrs.Edwards in office?" I asked sweetly.

"Who's asking?" the woman at the front desk snapped at me.

I was shocked at her rude response.

"Did she just snap at me?" I whispered to Sarah.

"Ayana, please calm down. We don't want to blow our cover ." Sarah pleaded.

"Fine." I told Sarah.

I plastered the nicest smile possible on my face.

"I'm Ms.Octave and this is Ms. Jones." I said.

She gave me a shocked look. She expected me to give her my first name. Nice try .

"Please have a seat." she said and directed us to the waiting room.

A few moments later, Mrs.Edwards came to us .

"Hello ladies,I'm Mrs.Edwards. How may I assist you?"she asked. She seemed very friendly.

"Good day, I'm Ayana Octave and this is my partner Sarah Jones."I told Mrs.Edwards.

"We are from the South Carolina Police Department and we are investigating the case with Kyra Edwards, your daughter ." Sarah informed her.

Mrs.Edwards eyes opened up with shock.

"Umm, please, come into my of-office ." she said and gestured for us to follow her.

Soon, we were all seated inside her office.

"My daughter has been dead for almost twelve years now . I thought the police had given up on my daughter." Ms.Edwards said.

"Ms. Edwards, I'll be frank with you. Many officers who have tried investigating this case ended up dead. The man who kidnapped your daughter all these years ago does not want your daughter's case to be solved. They're afraid for some reason." I said calmly.

"But what could that person have.He kidnapped a total of three girls.Kyra, who is my daughter , her best friend Lisa and Nadia, who I later adopted after she was found. Her mother died of a heart attack while she was still in a coma." Mrs.Edwards informed us.

" Can you give us any information on Lisa and Nadia?" Sarah asked.

"Well, Nadia is currently in Boston. She's a teacher there and Lisa lives here in South Carolina. She lives a couple houses away from her parents." she told us.

"Do you have a picture of them?" I asked.

She nodded her head and took out her wallet. There was a younger picture of the two girls.

"This is a picture of Lisa and Kyra. Nadia looks exactly like Kyra. They resemble each other a lot. Lisa has red hair in this picture. Her hair is blond now and she is slim. She works with a modeling company but I doubt she'll be of any help." Ms.Edwards told us.

"Why is that ?" Sarah asked intrigued .

"She lost her memory after the police found her in a ditch . She never regained it.The man who kidnapped her beat her up so badly that she was in a coma for months." Mrs.Edwards told us sadly.

"Okay. Thank you for all your help.We'll be back if we need your help. Goodbye." I told her and we left her office .

This is one mysterious case.

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