The cave of two lovers pt.1

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(y/n)s pov:

I soaked in the clear water of the river, the cool water felt nice on my skin with the addition of the sounds of Katara and Aang splashing underneath the rock formations. It was almost peaceful.

"Are you two done yet? You know we have a lot of ground to cover to get to Omashu" Sokka stated with a matter-o-fact tone floating around on a leaf, I rolled my eyes at his nagging.

"Yeah and your ready to go now Mr naked" Katara sassed rolling her eyes, Aang and I giggled at her joke. Sokka stared on unimpressed.

"Hey I could be ready in like 5 minutes" Sokka declared patting Momo who was laying on his stomach. Katara and Aang started practicing more waterbending moves, I stared lazily into the water, looking at all of the little rocks and pebbles that glittered when the sunlight hit the water at certain angles.

An ice spike flew by my face throughly ruining my serenity, "KATARA" I yelled flinching, avoiding the icicles. "Oops sorry (y/n)" Aang apologised, waving one of his water tentacles at me. I rolled my eyes with a snort, I couldn't be mad at the avatar but i could be concerned for my health and general wellbeing.

"Don't fall in love with the traveling girl she'll leave you hear broken brokennnnnn" a male voice sang followed by the twang of guitar strings, my eyes wondered from the water upon hearing the singin.

"What's that?" I mumbled turning around to find the source of the music, I turned around to see a group of people all clad in leis and strange hats. They looked vaguely to be earth kingdom clothing, but it was... eccentric to say the least in the kindest manor.

"Oh hey what's up river people" the man greeted with a zonked out stare. I hesitantly shuffled towards Katara and Aang and stared blankly at the weird people. Great, hippies.

"We're not river people" Katara said placing a hand on her hip. This guy must have smoked something other worldly. "Then what kinda people are ya?" he asked tilting his head, definitely smoking something.

"Just people people" Aang responded with a shrug. "I hear that brother" he replied with a laugh.

"Who are you?" Sokka asked with narrowed eyes, walking over and pointing accusingly at the strange man.

"I'm Chong and this is my wife Lily, we're nomads happy to go wherever the wind takes us ehhhhoo" Chong explained playing a horrible riff at the end of his sentence.

"You guys are nomads, that's great, I'm a nomad!" Aang stated with a big goofy smile, I chuckled at their interaction, it was good for aang to interact with people with the same beliefs and morals as him. Even if these ones didn't look like they abstained from elevating their own mental state.

"Hey me too" Chong said with a equally as big smile, this guy must be just plain dumb as well as high... "I know, you said that" Aang replied raising an eyebrow.

"Oh, did I? Nice underwear" he said getting distracted choosing to stare at Sokka's under garments. He put Momo in front of his junk then ran off.  I giggled walking up the bank of the river to grab my clothing and a towel to dry myself off.

Small time skip

I walked over to Appa and laid on him next to Lily as she braided forget-me-nots into my (h/c) hair. While Sokka stomped back from his tent in his full water nation attire. I thought about what he would have looked of draped in fire nation clothes, the red would suit his personality and yellow would compliment his tanned skin.

I shook the thoughts from my head as Aang began to speak. "Sokka you gotta hear some of these guys stories! They've been everywhere!" Aang said with a bright smile as the pink flower crown on his head tilted with his movement.

"Well not everywhere little arrowhead, but where we haven't been we've heard about through stories and songs" Chong explained with a nod, strumming his guitar lightly.

Sokka just raised his brow in suspicion. "They said they'd take us to see a giant nightcrawler" Aang said with wide eyes and an excited smile.

"On the way there's a waterfall that creates a never-ending rainbow" Moku added laying on his back with a carefree sigh.

"I hate to be the wet blanket here but since Katara is busy I guess it's up to me, we need to get to Omashu, no side tracks, no worms and definitely no rainbows" Sokka stated with a firm glare, crossing his arms.

"Woahh looks like someone's got a case of destination-fever haha, your worried too much about where you're going" Chong stated with his zonked out laugh, I couldn't help but chuckle with him. Even if Chong wasn't very bright nor that interesting he was good for a laugh. Almost like a circus clown.

"You gotta focus less on the where and more on the going" Lily explained placing the final forget-me-not resting next to my ear like a little bow.

"Oh ma SHU!" Sokka stated getting louder as he spoke.  "Sokka's right, we need to find king Bumi so Aang can learn earth bending somewhere safe" Katara admitted with a small sigh, playing with her flower clad braid.

"Well sounds like you're heading to Omashu" Chong said with a grin, Sokka just face palmed in response not even having the energy to respond to that. "There's an old story about a secret pass right through the mountains" Chong said pausing slightly after every word, I was slightly suspicious of his stories.

"Is this real or a legend?" I asked with a head tilt, trapped in the middle of a mountain in the earth kingdom wasn't really my ideal plan of how I was going to leave this world.

"Oh, it's a real legend, and it's as old as earth bending itself" Chong said strumming his guitar, Lily started playing the flute and Moku was on drums while we hummed along, 'we' excluding Sokka.

"Two lovers~ forbidden from one another~ a war divides their people~ and a mountain divides them apart~ built a path to be together~ yeah I forgot the next couple of lines but uh then it goes- secret tunnel! Secret tunnel! Through the mountain! Secret! Secret! Secret! Secret tunnel! Yeah"  Chong sang, performing a little impromptu riff at the end of the song.

We all clapped while Sokka just stared on unimpressed with the nomads musical performance. "Yeah, I think we'll stick with flying we've dealt with the fire nation before well be fine" Sokka stated walking towards us, we all stood up with a small apologetic smiles to the nomads.

"Thanks for the help but Appa hates going underground, and we need to do whatever makes him most comfortable" Aang said staring affectionately at the big creature.

We said our goodbyes to the nomads and hopped on Appa head over the mountains towards Omashu. Fire balls started to sore towards us after we got over the pass, I held onto the bison's saddle tightly as he dodged the projectiles. We all screamed as we made a crash landing back over the other side of the mountain.

I grabbed my satchel and the food bag and hopped off Appa. "Well, uh think of it this way, at least we're getting some more exercise" I said to a clearly frustrated Sokka, he grumbled to himself in defeat.

We walked over to the nomads. "Secret love cave, let's go" Sokka said very displeased with this conclusion. I wiped the soot from my face as we walked, we came across a cacophony of different rocks and boulders.

"How long till we get to this tunnel?" Sokka asked Chong curiously, Chong chuckled to himself before answering his question. "Well actually it's not one tunnel, the lovers didn't want anyone to find out about their love, so they build a whole labyrinth" Chong replied making a weird gesture with his hands.

"Labyrinth?!?" Sokka questioned in shock.  "I have a horrible sense of direction...this isn't going to be fun" I mumbled dragging a hand down my face.

"I'm sure we'll figure it out" Chong stated with a smile and a carefree shrug. Sokka turned back around hesitantly.

Fire and water: Sokka x reader x Zuko Where stories live. Discover now