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(Y/n)s pov:

"Are you okay (y/n)? you haven't spoken since we got on the boat" Ty-Lee questioned, flipping onto her hands and walking over to the bow of the boat where I sat crosslegged.

"I'm meditating" I replied with a huff, taking a few long breaths trying to regain my peace of mind.

"Isn't it hard to meditate with the ocean noises?" Ty-Lee asked, turning herself up right to sit next to me. I shrugged, meditating was all that was keeping me from loosing my shit. The only thing that made me want to take the initiative was Zuko, he was now cuddled up to miss soulless and boring. It wasn't like Azula was gonna comfort me in my time of great change and I was far too proud to ask someone like Ty-Lee.

"Your so beautiful when you hate the world" Zuko's raspy voice echoed out from the other side of the metal fire nation ship. I held my hands together firmly, the skin on my knuckles turning white as I shut my eyes tightly.

"Are you jealous of Mai?" Ty-lee asked with a whisper, cupping her hand to my ear. I whipped around at her, opening my mouth saying nothing before scoffing.

"I'm higher class then her and further away from Azula then her, what reason would I have to be jealous of her?" I stated with a laugh of disbelief, I wasn't jealous per say but the way her and Zuko looked at each other and she way she ordered me around did make me want to burn those stupid space buns off her head.

"I don't think your being honest to yourself, your aura is all orange and muddy" Ty-lee suggested with a scrunch of her face, sticking out her tongue.

"I'm going inside, it's cold" I dismissed with a shake of my head, smoothing down my skirt as I got up. Keeping my head down as I passed Zuko and Mai, entering the under deck area.

"Ty-Lee annoying you too?" The voice of Zuko questioned with a tut, I turned around to see him leaning on the metal wall of the ship with a small frown.

"She doesn't mean to, I guess I'm just not used to company like this anymore" I replied with a shrug, leaning on my rooms door.

"Are you doing ok? Trust me I know more than anyone else that this is a big change" Zuko admitted, shifting his weight to his other side as he looked up at me.

"If I'm being honest Zuko I feel like a prisoner" I whispered with a shake of my head, glaring at the floor below me.

"This is a good thing, we're going home, you chose to come back with us" Zuko scoffed with a step forwards, tilting my head up by my chin. "You wanted to come back" Zuko added with a nod, it almost felt like he was trying to convince himself as well as me.

"I don't know if I did, I just didn't want to leave you" I retorted with a shake of my head, pushing his hand away from my face.

"This is your destiny, I'm gonna become fire lord one day soon and your gonna be my right hand girl, that's what our families have been doing for decades" Zuko told me with a pat of my shoulder, was that really all my life would amount to.

"I think I'd hopefully do something more interesting with my life then being your secretary" I stated with a snort, looking up at Zuko with a smile. "How about you go brood with your moody girlfriend for a bit, I'm gonna try and get some rest" I suggested with a nod towards the stairs that lead up to the top deck, he scrunched his nose, rolling his eyes but taking my order, turning heel to walk.

Katara's pov:

"I cannot believe that (y/n) sided with Zuko and Azula, I just can't" Sokka snapped, holding his hands on his temples. "Zuko must have threatened her or brainwashed her or something" Sokka stated with a huff of disbelief.

"Sokka I watched, she bended fire and Zuko even talked about how she promised not to abandon him again" I replied with a shake of my head, tears filled my eyes again, I was still reeling from the betrayal myself. (Y/n)s reactions to all the overtaken colonies, the laughs and meals we shared; was that all fake?

"She wouldn't do that I know her" sokka claimed with a crack in his voice, wiping away tears with the back of his hand. My expression softened, I wrapped my arm around his shoulders.

The next day

(Y/n)s pov:

I looked at Zuko uncomfortably as we stood behind the red curtain, I could hear the crowd cheering from the centre of the palace city.

"Your once banished Prince, come home to us, Prince Zuko" the voices of Lo and Li cried out from the balcony of the town hall, my stomach twisted and churned in fear as Zuko walked through the curtains. The cheers of the citizens ringing through my ears like a giant gong being struck over and over.

"Once thought to be dead, she was discovered by the intelligent Princess Azula and brave Prince Zuko, being held captive by earth nation generals, the last of the family of (y/n), lady (y/n)" Lo and Li called out, I forced my body to step towards the balcony. My nerves doubled as I looked over all the peering eyes staring at me with cheer. So that was the lie Azula told her father, rather far fetched even for her.

"Your doing great" Zuko stated with a small smile, turning to look at me with a nod. Wearing a top knot suited him, some of the hair from his bangs poking out of the neat silhouette of his hairline, simply too short to force into his top knot.

"Our amazing Princess Azula and redeemed Prince Zuko took the capital and rescued lady (y/n) who fought bravely against her captors, they fought with the spirit of the dragon, pulling Ba Sing Se's walls to the ground and ending the avatar" Lo and Li announced, opening their arms to point at the three of us, the crowd cheered and shouted in worship.

I looked over at Azula, she smirked as she stared into the crowd of fire nation people. "Look forwards (y/n), you want to make a good first appearance" Azula jeered with a chuckle she covered up with her hand, she was evil.

Fire and water: Sokka x reader x Zuko Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt