Road to honour

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(Y/n)s pov:

"It's a long long way to Ba Sing Se but the landscape is pretty bringing life to the city" I sang with a small hum, checking my order ticket as I poured the right teas in cups with a floral pattern. I placed the tray carefully into my palm walking over to the respective tables still humming.

"No matter which ring- ah two oolongs and a black tea" I sang placing down the cups as I got to the table the tea belonged at. "You'll be happy when we say welcome to Ba Sing Se" I hummed with a pep in my step as I passed Zuko, he shot me a smile as I sang to myself.

"A jasmine with sugar and cold lemon tea" I greeted with a smile, waving to the young girl that sat across from her mother with a proud nod. "It's a long long way to Ba Sing Se but the road to the city makes the journey so pretty" I sang with a small bob of my head as I walked back into the kitchen.

"Sky, sea or grass look beyond the serpents pass" the familiar raspy voice of Zuko sang back as I placed my tray back on the pile, I chuckled and tilted head.

"To the glow of Ba Sing Se, I didn't know you knew that song" I stated with a small chuckle, patting down my apron and checking my hair in the reflection of the steel trays.

"I picked it up recently, it's pretty catchy" he retorted with a smile, leaning on the counter discarding his completed order tickets.

"You don't sing half bad, maybe you should pursue a career in singing and not tea" I teased with a giggle, playfully elbowing him as I walked past him to get to the new order tickets. I stoped in my tracks as I felt his hand on my wrist, I looked back at him in confusion.

"I missed you, while you were gone, it's good to have my best friend back" Zuko stated with a smile, dropping his grip on my wrist.

"Yeah, same" I stated with a small bittersweet nod, I'm not sure why my heart hurt. Maybe because it took him going through a sickness to see me as his best friend again, maybe I didn't feel worthy of being called his best friend anymore.

"Nephew, (y/n)!" Iroh called out with a laugh, running into the kitchen with a wide toothy smile. "We have been invited to the palace! To serve tea to the earth king himself, can you believe it!" He declared with a jump of excitement, my jaw dropped and my eyes went wide.

"That's amazing Iroh!" I cheered with a smile, looking between Iroh who was practically dancing with joy and Zuko who bared a smile.

Time skip

"I feel like I'm intruding, this is a big moment for you two" I stated with a smile, looking between Iroh and Zuko as we approached the palace.

"Nonsense (y/n), you helped us greatly with your stay here, you will come with us" Iroh gushed with a wide grin. "Many times I imagined myself here, at the threshold of the palace, but I always thought I would be here as a conqueror; but instead the earth kings personal guest here to serve him tea, destiny is a funny thing" Iroh stated with a content sigh, holding onto his box of tea leaves.

"It sure is uncle" Zuko agreed as we walked into the large ornate palace, earth kingdom guards pointed us in the direction of the drawing room we would be serving the earth king in.

The guards weren't very intimidating, they wore long black robes stamped with the earth kings seal and pointed hats that ended with a tassel and a buckle under the chin. They weren't very scary looking nor intimidating but I suppose true talent and power didn't need to look the part to do it's job.

The room we were led into was beautiful, sporting beautiful greens and golds. The carpet was soft and dyed an orangey gold colour, in each corner large clay pots stood painted with the kingdoms colours. The entire room was illuminated by glowing crystals that hung from the ceiling and in the forefront of the room an elaborate golden throne. I tried not to marvel at the beautifully decorated chamber like a commoner but it was simply a marvel I had never seen. A stark contrast to the fire nation.

We placed our tea sets and assortments of different teas, from green to black to oolong. The best of everything we had in the shop. We waited for what felt like almost an hour, time ticked past silently as we looked between each other anxiously. I was surprised the kettle had any water left in it being boiled for that long.

"What's taking so long?" Zuko whispered, turning his head to Iroh as I smoothened my dress for the umpteenth time.

"Maybe the earth king overslept?" Iroh suggested as a dozen or so of the earth kingdom guards filtered into the room, slowly surrounding us, putting all of us on edge.

"Somethings not right" I whispered, looking around at the guards as they stopped at a halt, forming a neat but tight circle around us.

"It's tea time" the familiar voice of the girl I hated more than anything in this world sang out with a chuckle, walking in front of the guards.

"Azula" Zuko barked, jumping up to his feet. I didn't move, staring straight at Azula with almost murderous intent. There was no Aang here, no Katara, no Toph, no Sokka. No one I had to hide from, no one to tell me not to burn her to a crisp.

"Have you met the Dai Lee?" She asked with a smirk, her hands neatly folded behind her back. "Their earth benders but they have a killer instinct that's so fire bender, I just love it" she giggled with a cruel smile, she turned her gaze to me.

"(Y/n) that couldn't possibly be you, didn't you die tragically?" She asked with a smug smirk, tilting her head to get a better look at me, I stood up with a scowl. "3 years ago I believe, house fire" she continued with a horrendous cackle.

"I'm back from the dead, just to haunt you" I stated with a tut, I could feel my palms heating up. I may not have used my fire bending much in the past 3 years but I was plenty sure that I still knew enough to hurt her. No now wasn't the time to play with ribbon helplessly or meditate, now was time for fighting and I was plenty okay with that.

"Oh I've known you were alive for a while now, although I'll admit I didn't know you would be coming today with my fuddy-duddy uncle and disgraced brother" she confessed with a small chuckle. "Plans can be changed, rekindling an old friendship?" She asked with a sinister smile.

"Do you know how I got the nickname the dragon of the west?" Iroh asked Azula with a hum, pouring himself a cup of tea. I looked at Zuko in confusion almost to ask what was he doing? Zuko just gave me a nod, telling me to just go along with it.

"I'm not interested in a lengthy anecdote, uncle" Azula stated with a scoff, looking at her nails as Iroh shook his head.

"It's more of a demonstration really" Iroh stated with a chuckle, taking a sip of his still boiling tea. Zuko grabbed my hand, swinging the two of us behind Iroh as a flare of fire erupted from his mouth. That was quite a good demonstration I had to admit.

We circled around the Dai Lee who quickly tried to cover themselves, Zuko using a fiery kick to bust down the nearest wall, letting all 3 of us run through. The Dai Lee shot some sort of earth rock glove at us as we rounded the corner, narrowly missing the us as they plunged into the wall.

Iroh signalled for Zuko and I to step back as we reached a dead end, he waved his fingers before pointing them at the door. The plaster and rock exploding as a bolt of lighting shot from out of his fingers and exploded the fancy wall. Iroh took the first leap, landing into an animal topiary. I looked at Zuko, waiting to see whether he'd take the plunge. I didn't know about Zuko but I certainly wanted to get my chance to strike at Azula.

"Come on! You'll be fine!" Iroh yelled out from the bottom of the garden he had landed in, I clenched my hands till my knuckles turned white.

"No, I'm tired of running from Azula" Zuko stated, turning heel and walking back down the hall. Iroh clenched his fist, his gaze turning from Zuko to me.

"(Y/n) please, this is foolish!" Iroh pleaded with me, standing up and outstretching his hand to me. I turned my back to him, I could feel his eyes boaring into my back.

"I'm not leaving, I can't now" I replied with a sigh, I knew I was disappointing Iroh, I knew he expected more of me. But at the end of the day it wasn't his expectations I should try and live up to, like he said I should carve my own path to honour.

"You don't have to follow me, go escape with uncle" Zuko grunted with a scowl, glaring into the corner in front of us.

"Your not the only one that has a score to settle" I replied with a shrug, letting my hands unfurl as I turned to look at him. "Plus I'm not leaving my best friend, not again"

Fire and water: Sokka x reader x Zuko Where stories live. Discover now