The serpants pass

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(Y/n)s pov:

I watched as Sokka chuckled and flexed for Suki who giggled in response, Aang looked at me as I skimmed over the book I grabbed for Toph.

"(Y/n) are you sure your not sick? I can feel the heat coming off you" Aang commented looking at me with concern I slammed my book shut and smiled.

"No I'm fine, hey Toph I found another story I could read to you while we're on the ferry it's called 'Shen the green koala-sheep of jealousy' sounds fun" I stated looking over at the young girl with a forced smile, she nodded hesitantly.

"Avatar Aang! You have to help us someone took all of our belongings, our passports, our tickets everything's gone" the voice of the pregnant lady we travelled with here cried out at the base of the lookout tower we were sitting in.

Time skip

"I can't believe with gave up all our tickets and we're going through the serpents pass" Sokka whined, trekking along with us as we left full moon bay.

"Im coming too!" The voice of Suki yelled behind us, I felt the ticket I had in my hand turn into ash.

"Do you think that's a good idea?" Sokka asked Suki as she cocked a brow at him in question, she put her hands on her hips.

"I thought you'd want me to come" she stated, looking at him slightly hurt, I cracked a smile at the little altercation.

"I do it's just" sokka said trying to find his words, rubbing his forearm awkwardly, my smile widened.

"Just what?" Suki questioned with a frown, sokka sighed. "Nothing I'm glad your coming" he replied, stretching his hand out to her. She walked past him with a scoff.

"The more the merrier, Suki" I chucked, walking in stride with her. She smiled and me and nodded.

Time skip

"This is the serpents path? I thought it would be more windy you know like a serpent" Sokka commented, looking up at the dishevelled looking wooden gate that held the sign saying 'serpents pass'.

"Look at this writing" Ying said going over to the leg of one of the gates, there was little scratchings carved into the dark wood.

"Abandon hope" I read out, I pulled Toph closer to me as I looked down the long thin path.

"How could we abandon hope? That's all we have" Ying cried, turning to her husband who embraced her in his arms. It was so sweet it made me wanna leap off the edge of a cliff.

"I don't know, the monks uses to say that hope is just a distraction so maybe we do need to abandon it" Aang said solemnly, looking out into the crashing waves.

"What are you talking about?" Katara asked stepping towards Aang hesitantly, he sighed and hung his head.

"Hope isn't going to get us into Ba Sing Se, and it's not gonna find Appa, we need to focus on what we're doing right now and that's getting across this pass" Aang explained walking forwards past the gate, I reluctantly followed.

"Why do we always go into cursed tunnels or deadly passes" I muttered with a sigh, looking down at the waves that battered the land beneath.

Time skip

"The fire nation controls the west lakes, rumour has it they're working on something big on the other side and they don't want anyone to find out what it is" Suki explained as we looked down at the fire navy ship that sailed beside us, black smog pouring from the ship's exhaust.

I flinched as I heard the sound of rocks crumbling beside me, Toph reacted quickly saving Than with her earth bending. I looked back at the man in shock as he muttered out that he was ok as the piece of rock that fell crashed into the water.

Fire and water: Sokka x reader x Zuko Where stories live. Discover now