In sickness and in health

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(Y/n)s pov:

"This isn't a natural sickness he's experiencing, he made an important decision, it was in such conflict to his moral image of himself that he is at war within his own mind and body" Iroh stated with a sigh, pouring a hot cup of tea. He'd been thrashing around in his sleep all night, I stayed in his room. I couldn't get a sliver of sleep at all. In addition to that I couldn't just leave and find Aang and the others now, I couldn't leave Iroh or Zuko like this.

"Releasing Appa, that's what your talking about" I mumbled with a tired stare, counting the planks of wood on the floor to try and keep myself awake and aware.

Iroh nodded silently. "He is going through a metamorphosis, it will not be pleasant or enjoyable experience but when he comes out of it he will be the beautiful prince he was always meant to be" he explained, taking a small sip of his tea. "If I've read you correctly (y/n) you seem to be going through changes of your own" Iroh theorised with a sigh, sitting down at the table in the kitchen.

"I think so too, I've been travelling with the avatar for a while now, you two are the first fire nation people I've met that haven't been trying to kill me in what feels like forever" I explained as Iroh nodded. "I've been cowering in shame, over mistakes I've made, mistakes I haven't yet. I feel like a house of cards, one light breeze and my shelter of lies will come crashing down on top of me" I added, my eyes watered. It felt nice to admit it out loud but also felt even more shameful. Almost like the words leaving my mouth made it more real.

"You and my nephew are more alike than either of you would like to admit, you two focus too much on what will redeem your honour, that would be ok and even noble if you didn't let other people decide what honour was" Iroh reasoned with a hum of sympathy, I looked up at him as tears slipped from my eyes.

"You and my nephew are on different sides of the spectrum, Zuko wants approval and honour from his father, you want approval and honour for taking down the fire nation I can tell that much, but who do you want it from?" Iroh asked with a small tilt of his head, his gentle glance felt like it was peering into my soul.

"I'm not- I don't know- surely Zuko would've told you I'm too proud to seek approval" I stated with a small scoff, wiping the tears from my cheek with a shake of my head.

"The avatar? Perhaps one of your other friends?" Iroh questioned as I sighed and shook my head. "Maybe even Zuko?" He added in a questioning tone, my heart felt heavy at that.

"Why would I try and use Zuko for more honour even more crazy why would I look for approval from him?" I retorted with a roll of my eyes, Iroh raised his brow.

"He wouldn't like me saying this, but he cared for you quite a bit, I might even say he loved you dearly, I think you feel now that you've lost your honour and seek him to restore it for you because of how much your 'death' hurt him" Iroh stated with a small nod, taking my hand and holding it in his. "I don't think he hates you, he's afraid to be hurt again but he does care about you" Iroh added, rubbing the pad of his thumb over my knuckles.

"I miss how life was, back when we were all happy" I admitted, rivers of tears silently flowing out of my eyes.

"So do I" Iroh replied with a small solemn nod. "You must be hungry, I have a pot of jook on the stove, it's good for a blossoming young lady like yourself" he added with a smile, letting go of my hand in favour of patting my head.

"Thank you Iroh" I stated with a bittersweet grin, wiping the tears from my cheeks. Iroh chuckled with a wave of dismal as he stirred the viscous pot of rice porridge. We snapped our heads towards the sounds of a door opening and shutting, Zuko walking in with a small yawn.

"What's that smell?" Zuko asked as he walked over to us, rubbing his eyes to get the sleep out. This was odd to say the least, maybe not of a normal teenage boy living with his uncle and childhood friend but definitely odd for Zuko. No hurtful comments, sharp glares or even angsty grumbles and murmured curses under his breath.

"It's jook, I'm sure you wouldn't like it" Iroh stated with a small crease of his brows, ladling some of the thick white mixture into a clay bowl. Zuko wondered over and bent over the pot, taking a smell of it with a bright smile on his face.

"Actually uncle, it smells delicious I'd love a bowl" Zuko replied in a happy go lucky tone, passing the already filled bowl to me and holding an empty one out to his uncle. Iroh and I looked between each other in both surprise and slight suspicion.

"Now that your fever has gone you seem different some how" Iroh commented with a raise of his brow, filling his bowl with jook. Zuko sat next to me at the table with a shrug, sending me a quick smile.

"Very different" I added with a purse of my lips: poke the platypus bear and you'll hear it roar, but this bear just chuckled.

"It's a new day, we've got a new apartment, new furniture and todays the grand opening of your tea shop, things are looking up for us" Zuko assured with a sigh of content as he sipped his jook, this was more than odd. Iroh chuckled and nodded.

"Your right nephew, look I even got all three of us aprons with the jasmine dragon logo printed on them, isn't that amazing!" Iroh announced with a big grin, showing off the 3 cream coloured aprons with the print of a dragon made of jasmine flowers. I watched Zuko's expression, usually he would've scrunched his face up and declared as a fire nation prince he wouldn't ever wear something so ridiculous. He wore a smile instead, his cheeks must be sore by now I would assume those muscles don't get much exercise.

"They look great uncle, my only worry though isnt (y/n) leaving?" Zuko asked with a small furrow of his brows, this was the first time I'd seen his smile falter since he got up and it was because of me. It was nice to know he cared but I throughly felt like shit.

"When you got sick I decided to stay a bit longer and I also decided I'd help Iroh until he was able to hire some staff" I answered for Iroh with a small nervous chuckle, really unsure of how Zuko would react. To my surprise he smiled and his eyes went wide.

"I'm glad, and thank you for helping with the shop" Zuko thanked with a small nod, putting his now empty bowl on the kitchen counter.

"Now come on kids we have no time to lose, there is already a line out front" Iroh stated with an almost giddy chuckle that was almost peculiar for a man his age. I shook my head and chuckled, looking at Zuko and he chuckled me my respective cream coloured apron. I caught it with a smile, tying the fabric around my waist.

Fire and water: Sokka x reader x Zuko Where stories live. Discover now