Sleep deprivation

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(Y/n)s pov:

Dream sequence

"My lady " a servant called called out. I sighed and got up from my bath, the water had become room temperature anyway. I took my fluffy towel off the rack, wrapping it around myself loosely.

"Come in "I called back, a young servant walked in, she kept her head down in respect. She couldnt have been much older than me. I ran a comb through my wet hair while she gathered courage to speak.

"The young prince has requested an audience with you " she stated fiddling with her fingers nervously. I grinned at the young girl and dismissed her. "Thank you, I'll let prince Zuko know my RSVP personally" I replied shooing the girl of as politely as I could. Zuko and I had these rendezvous often.

I walked over to my wardrobe, carefully plucking out a dress. I chose a crimson sun dress. I slipped it on quickly, hastily putting on my fire nation hair pin. It definitely wasnt up to standard of high class nobility but it was fine for a late night meeting.

I pulled on a pair of silk slippers. I opened the door and peaked my head out the hallway, in my time boarding at the royal palace we met at the same place; next to the turtle duck pond in the courtyard.

"Hey (y/n)!" A voice whisper yelled from behind me.

End of dream sequence

"Hey (y/n)!" A voice whisper yelled from above me, I opened my eyes tiredly. Sokka stood above me with a bright smile. I groaned and closed my eyes again, it was too bright and too early.

"Come on sleepy head!" Toph called out from a little ways away. I chuckled and opened my eyes again. Sokka was still there, just staring at me. "What do I have major bedhead?" I asked with a chuckle.

"Oh it's nothing haha" he said backing up and laughing nervously, I shrugged and continued to get up, stretching my arms in the morning sun. I jumped off Appas saddle, almost falling over in the process, Toph thankfully caught my fall.

"Thank you toph, you have very nice hair" I complimented, patting her on the head in thank you. She blushed and gave me a curt nod, I chuckled and walked over towards Katara.

"You tossed around a lot last night (y/n), did you have a bad dream?" She asked as I sat at the edge of the pond next to her. I pondered for moment, I wouldn't say it was a bad dream but it wasn't a memory I liked to recall. Not often.

"You could say that, more bittersweet than anything" I replied with a smile, Katara gave me a sympathetic smile.

"I have a lot of dreams like that, memories of my mother before she died... when my dad wasn't out defending us, you can always talk to me (y/n)" she comforted letting her hand sit on my leg.

"I know and thank you" I thanked, letting my hand rest loosely back on her shoulder. I looked around at the campsite.

"Appa really is loosing his fur coat isn't he" I chuckled as the big beast sneezed, sending loose fur everywhere. We all laughed as aang sneezed with him, sending himself flying into the side of Appa with an audible thud.

Night fall

I carried the bed rolls down from Appa, letting them air out trying to get the most fur off them as possible. My gaze turned over to Katara who was promptly walked over to toph, who was casually lying on the floor.

"So Toph usually when setting up camp we try to divide the up the work" Katara explained gesturing to the three of us who were setting up bedding, tents and food respectively. Toph stared blankly at her.

"Don't worry about me, I'm good to go" she replied not batting a second thought, chewing loosely on her straw.

"Actually what I'm trying to say is, some of us might fetch water, while someone else might set up the fire pit or put up the tent, even Momo does his fair share" she explained further as Momo flew over to her with a few nuts in his hands.

"Katara I'm fine, I can carry my own weight, I don't need a fire, I've already collected my own food and I've got a tent" Toph said earth bending herself a rock tent, I groaned, I could foresee the bitch fit these two were gonna have.

"Well that's great for you but we still need to finish-" Katara started before Toph interrupted loudly. "Look I don't understand what's the problem here?" She asked as Katara walked off, muttering angrily.

"Here Katara, I'll help you with the fire, don't worry about toph, she's just new and a bit young, she'll get used to it soon enough" I comforted her, carrying a pile of kindling over to where we were starting the fire.

"Yeah your right, I'll go apologise now" she said with a sigh, she seemed to have a little pep in her step when she walked over. "Hey Toph I wanted to apologise for earlier, I think we're all just a little tired and getting on each others nerves" Katara apologised with a small smile.

"Yeah you do seem pretty tired" Toph commented not even batting an eye or well a foot at Kataras apology. "Yes very tired now Katara why don't we-" I sang trying to get Kataras anger off Toph.

"I meant all of us" she growled, glaring intensely at the young girl, I laughed nervously as Toph slid back into her rock tent. "Well good night" she said laying down in her tent. We bid her a good night and walked over to our fabric tents, I could feel the annoyance radiating off Katara.

We settled into our sleeping bags across from the boys, I drifted into a sort of half sleep. I could still hear the animals and insects chirping but I was comfortable and ready to doze off at any second.

"THERES SOMETHING COMING TOWARDS US" Toph yelled as we all started to wake, Katara and I stuck our heads out from the tent. "It feels like an avalanche but also not an avalanche" she said kneeled on the ground, feeling it intently.

"Your powers of perception are frightening" Sokka stated sarcastically, I slapped his arm with a yawn. "Should we leave?" Katara asked as aang nodded, "better safe then sorry" he stated, Sokka, Katara, aang and I haphazardly piled our stuff onto Appas saddle.

As we took off the loud buzz of machinery followed from a ways away, a big cloud of dust followed the thing chasing us. "What is that thing?" Katara asked with a frightened gaze. "It's fire nation for sure" I stated, turning myself around refusing to look at the thing.

Aang sped Appa up so we could get away from the smog producing thing faster,we were all starting to feel the lack of sleep. I looked over to Sokka who sat beside me, he looked ready to pass out too.

We eventually landed at a plateau at the base of a mountain. Toph practically flew off Appa, enjoying having her sight back immensely. "We'll see you guys in the morning" she said waving to us and getting ready to bend herself a tent.

"Actually can you help us unload?" Katara asked stepping towards us, Toph looked at her in disbelief. "Really? You need me to help unload Sokkas funky smelling sleeping bag?" Toph asked looking at Sokka who stood still with his bed roll.

I took a wif, gagging straight after. "Dude you need to wash that" I stated as he looked away in shame.

"Well yeah" Katara replied now walking straight up to toph. "That and everything else, your apart of our team now and-" Katara stated before getting cut off by Toph, who was pointing at her accusingly.

"Look, I didn't ask you to help unload my stuff, I'm carrying my own weight" Toph stated turning away from Katara. "We're all very tired now let's-" I started trying to stop an argument.

"Not now (y/n), that's not the point Toph, ever since you joined us you've been nothing but selfish and unhelpful" Katara stated putting her hands on her hips unhappily, "we've all had a long night-" I reasoned again getting cut off.

"Not now (y/n), look here sugar queen, I gave up everything I had so that I could teach aang earth bending, so don't you talk to me about being selfish" Toph yelled, promptly blocking out Katara with her earth tent.

Katara mumbled curses as she banged on the walls and door of the tent. I walked back over to Aang and Sokka with a sigh, I wasn't able to defuse the situation at all.

"Ok ok you both need to calm down" aang staring walking over to Katara, she turned to him with malice. "Both? IM COMPLETELY CALM!" She yelled as Aang backed off quickly.

Fire and water: Sokka x reader x Zuko Where stories live. Discover now