The blind bandit

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(Y/n)s pov:

"It's pricey but I do like it" Sokka hummed staring at the green bag on the pedestal. My mind however wasn't on whether or not Sokka should buy a bag, I was plagued with thoughts of the day before.

Whoever attacked me knew my name, we had to have known each other before I left. I was forced to socialise with so many members of court and nobility's children it could be impossible to place. For a while the entire fire nation knew my name...

"Hey, you kids like earth bending? You like throwing rocks? Then check out master Yu's earth bending academy" a tall man spoke, handing a flyer to Aang with a smile. We all peered at the flyer.

"Look there's a coupon on the back, the first lesson is free" Aang said turning the page around. It couldn't hurt to see what this master Yu was all about, Aang did need an earth bending teacher as fast as possible.

"Who knows this master Yu could be the earth bending teacher you've been looking for" Katara stated as Sokka walked towards us, green bag in tow. I nodded with Katara and promptly ignored Sokka.

"While you guys do that, I'm gonna go for a walk" I stated stretching out my arms and yawning, Sokka frowned. I looked back at him with confusion.

"Last time you went for a walk you almost got killed, I'll go with you" he stated puffing out his chest and crossing his arms. I shrugged and turned back to Katara and Aang. "Well, we'll meet you two outside the academy when Aang finishes his first lesson" Katara stated.

I nodded and waved to the pair as we started to walk. "So, what's the plan for our walk?" Sokka asked adjusting his purse strap confidently. I pondered for a moment, there was certainly not a lot of things I needed to do for once.

"Hmm well I'm gonna try and find a stream, I was gonna wash some of my clothes before I was...interrupted" I answered, my mind going back to the man in the blue spirit mask. It was eerie and unsettling.

"Hey, we can't think about that now, I'm here and I'm clearly more than capable of protecting you with my big muscles" Sokka said flexing his arms with a smirk. I decided to entertain his ego.

"Oh, stop Sokka I'll blush" I cooed, giggling in a high-pitched tone, he looked at me shocked for a moment before regaining his composure. "Well of course, I have that effect on ladies" he boasted with a chuckle.

We made our way to a slim dirt road; I had noticed a small river around here on the fly over. The Earth kingdoms landscape was truly gorgeous, characterised by the myriad of streams and forest. so much of it was still so untouched.

"Hmmm its so lovely and warm, the sun is shining" I hummed as we approached the stream. Sokka nodded.

"I'm gonna take a dip while theres no Aang and Katara to nearly kill me with a icicle" I said with a half joking tone, he chuckled with me before stopping suddenly. I turned to him in confusion. "Is everything ok, Sokka?" I asked with a head tilt.

"Of course, just an idea popped into my head, unimportant, manly men things ha..ha" he said quickly with a nervous laugh, I shrugged and put my bag down, bringing the top of my shirt up and over my head, throwing it with my bag, my skirt followed suit.

I stepped into the clear water cautiously, the water was cool and soothing. I turned to Sokka, he stared intensely away from the stream. "Sokka are you gonna have a swim?" I called out waving to the water tribe boy.

"Yeah ill join" he said turning around and turning around to take off his shirt. I watched in adoration, he had a lovely figure. His back muscles flexed in the midday sun, slowly taking the water tribe garment off.

He made his way over to me, snapping me out of my trance. "I heard you got your butt kicked on kyoshi island" I commented as he made his way into the water, he groaned as I chuckled.

"That was a long time ago, but yes I did get my butt kicked" he admitted, rubbing the back of his neck. "It's nothing to be ashamed of, everyone looses once or twice" I said with a comforting smile.

"I guess" he hummed with a bashful smile. I stepped towards him, letting my hand rest on his bare shoulder. He tensed under my soft grip, "can I take your hair down?" I whispered gazing into his baby blue eyes.

"Uh yeah sure" he stuttered avoiding my gaze, I pulled the leather string letting his hair cascade down, framing his face. I ran my fingers through it lightly, he leaned into my hand.

I stepped forwards, the tension was thick, you could practically cut it with a knife. He wrapped his hand around my waist, I wasn't exactly sure of his intentions. His blue eyes pierced into me.

"Aang will be done his rock throwing lesson soon, we should get going" Sokka muttered, taking his hand off my waist and looking towards the bank. I wanted to say something but held my tongue.

Time skip

"I won't watch a little girl get hurt" I stated standing up from my seat in the colosseum, it reminded me of an Agni Kai, I've seen enough mindless violence like this. A crash sounded beside me, the boulder had been smashed into the seats.

"The blind bandit holds her title!" The announcer yelled as the little girl took her belt. I looked at the little girl in aw.

Fire and water: Sokka x reader x Zuko Where stories live. Discover now