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(Y/n)s pov:

"Seriously what is that thing?" Katara asked rubbing her eyes, I leaned on Sokka, I was absolutely ready to conk out at any moment. "And how does it keep finding us?" Toph added, letting her head lull down in tiredness.

I heard loud snores beside me, Sokka had fallen completely asleep, I chuckled and closed my own eyes, leaning on his lean but muscular arms. "I don't know but this time, I'm gonna make sure we loose em" Aang stated tugging gently on appas reins.

We practically soared over the earth kingdom, we cut through the forest and landed on a flat peak of one of the mountains. Appa collapsed sending us all flying off him, I didn't move from beside Sokka, I was far too tired.

"Forget about setting up camp, I'm finding the softest dirt pile and going to sleep" he stated, keeping his arm firmly wrapped around me. "That's good becasue Toph wasn't gonna help anyway" Katara stated from across the clearing.

"Oh I didn't realise baby still need some one to tuck her in bed" Toph retaliated, as Sokka and I groaned. "Come on guys there's something after us and we don't even know what or who it is" Aang complained, pulling his shirt over his head.

"It could be Zuko, we haven't seen him since the North Pole" Katara stated, I held my tongue, placing my head on Sokkas chest, I didn't wanna think about Zuko now, I was scared and tired and thinking about good memories would make me miss him more.

"You ok?" Sokka whispered, most likely feeling me tense up in his grip. "It's nothing I just don't like thinking about the fire nation" I lied, trying to bat memories of my past away from my mind.

"Whos Zuko?" Toph asked blankly. "Some angry freak with a ponytail who's tracked us all over the world" Sokka stated as I tried to keep down a laugh. His description wasn't exactly incorrect, just not the nicest.

"What's wrong with pony tails, pony tail?" Katara jeered as Sokka rolled his eyes, "this is a warriors wolf tail" Sokka stated, puffing his chest out proudly, Katara sniggered.

"Well it certainly tells the other warriors that your fun and perky" she joked, laying back down on her bedroll.

"Anyway, whoever's chasing us, they couldn't have followed us here so could everyone shh" Sokka declared as Momo hopped on my side, chirping loudly as I snuggled into Sokka. "No Momo, shh, sleepy time" he said patting the lemur on his big ears.

Momo continued to chirp, jumping over to the other end of the clearing. We all looked at the lemur in slight annoyance, the ground started to shake.

"Oh no don't tell me" I groaned, letting my eyes close again. Aang shook his head, "that's impossible, there's no way they could have tracked us" he stated, as I stood up reluctantly.

"I can feel it with my own two feet" Toph added as Aang ran towards the edge of the clearing. I could see the smoke and dust of the machinery from here.

"Let's get out of here" Katara stated, gesturing towards Appa, Aang shook his head. "Maybe we should face them, find out who they are, who knows maybe they're friendly" Aang suggested with a shrug.

"It's painted with fire nation insignias and spikes, doesn't look friendly" I stated, I grabbed my knife out of my bag and held it tightly. To say I was weak without my bending was to say the least.

A compartment of the metal tank opened to reveal three girls I knew very well; Ty-lee, Mai and the worst of all Azula. They all were sat upon mongoose lizards. "We need to leave now" I stated, putting a hand on Aangs shoulder.

"We can take 'em, three on three" Toph stated not counting our numbers properly. "Actually toph there's five of us" Sokka corrected with a frown.

"Oh I'm sorry, I didn't count you and (y/n), you know, no bending and all" Toph replied with a shrug. "WE CAN STILL FIGHT" he yelled back, he looked like he was about to pop a blood vessel. "Okay, three on three plus sokka and (y/n)" Toph added as Sokka groaned.

"I'm really think we should leave" I stated again as Toph earth bent a wall that the mongoose salamanders promptly crawled over. "(Y/n)s right" Aang stated as we all ran to appa, Toph formed a greater earth wall as we all clambered into the hairy beast.

I hole was soon blasted through the dirt wall, presumably by Azula. Mai sent a set of arrows over to Toph who promptly blocked them, I kept my head down, refusing to even look in their direction. Azula sent a charge of blue fire over to us as Aang ordered Appa to take off.

I breathed heavily, a mixture of panic, lack of sleep and paranoia filling my brain. "I can't believe those girls followed us from all the way in Omashu" Katara stated, leaning on the saddle in tiredness.

"I still think we could have taken them" Toph stated with a huff, I shook my head with Katara. "The crazy blue fire bending and the flying daggers are bad enough but last time we saw them, one of those girls did something that took my bending away, that's scary" Katara stated, talking about Ty-lee.

"I've heard of something like that, they target your pressure points and it messes your body up" I added, holding myself in a ball. I had only been on the receiving end of Ty-lees bending blocking hits once, unsurprisingly on Azulas orders. It was scary, like a key part of myself was missing.

"Oh no the sun is rising, we've been up all night with no sleep" Sokka complained, gesturing to the sun rise, it was pretty but I was far too tired to admire it.

Fire and water: Sokka x reader x Zuko Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant