The cave of two lovers pt.2

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(y/n)s pov:

"Hey hey we're here" Chong said gesturing to the massive cave mouth we were approaching, it was intimidating to say the least especially after hearing the labyrinth and lovers curse part.

"Wonderful" I muttered sarcastically.  "What exactly is this curse" Sokka asked Chong, staring at the inscription at the roof of the cave.

"The curse says only those who trust in love can make  it through the caves, otherwise you'll be trapped in there forever" Chong explained. "And die" Lily added. I paled, I wasn't extremely superstitious, but I was thought never to fuck around with spirits or curses.

"Oh yeah and die" Chong replied. I stared at the cave suddenly feeling a lot more motivated to take my chances with the soldiers.  "Hey I just remembered the rest of that song, and die~" Chong sang walking straight into the cave.

"That's it there's no way were going through some cursed hole" Sokka said crossing his arms, I nodded with him nervously staring into the cave.

"Hey someone's making a big campfire over there" Moku said pointing to where we were no less than an hour ago. "Thats no campfire, Moku" Katara said glaring at the black smoke.

"It's the fire nation, their tracking us" Sokka said with hatred. I took a sharp inhale in, it hurt to see how they spoke of my nation, but it was well deserved.

"Well, I'll take a cursed hole over fire nation style barbecue" I said trying to release some tension. It didn't seem to do much. "So, all we need to do is trust in love to get through these caves" Aang asked Chong with a small blush.

"That is correct master arrowhead" Chong replied pointing to his tattoos. "We're gonna die" I muttered pessimistically.

"We can make it" Aang said confidently. I sighed tiredly, at least one of us had hope.

"Everyone into the hole" Sokka said running inside. We all followed with Appa being at the end of the line.  I looked around the cave. The walls were decorated with beautiful statues depicting the images of great warriors.

The sounds of machinery and crashing sounded behind us, I turned around to the entrance of the cave being pulled down by tanks. We stood helpless as the cave mouth collapsed. Appa was freaking out groaning and scratching as much as he could with his blunt hooves while Chong lit a torch.

"It's ok Appa well be fine...I hope" Katara said trying to calm down the six-legged beast. I patted his side; poor thing must be so confused.

"We will be fine all we need is a plan, Chong how long do those torches last?" Sokka said pointing to the stick of fire.  "Umm about two hours each" Chong responded. Lily walked over to us.

"And we have five torches, so that's ten hours" Lily said lighting the remaining torches.

"It doesn't work like that if they're all lit at the same time!" Sokka yelled stomping them out. "We're defiantly going to die" I hummed, looking down at the ground in shame.

"OH right" Lily responded nodding her head.

"I'm gonna make a map to help us keep track of exactly where we've been then we should be able to solve it like a maze and get through" Sokka said grabbing some charcoal and paper while walking in one of the two tunnels.

Appa groaned as we furthered into the tunnel couldn't say I blamed him. We walked around the cave for about 30 mins before questioning Sokka's methods. "Sokka this is the tenth dead end you've led us to" Katara said rolling her eyes.

"This just doesn't make sense we already came through this way" Sokka said reanalysing his map, I peaked over his shoulder, even his map made it look like we were going in circles.

Fire and water: Sokka x reader x Zuko Where stories live. Discover now