A spirital escape

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(Y/n)s pov:

"Your portrait is done, would you like to see?" Wong Shi Ton asked with a monotone accent, stepping away from the canvas. I nodded and walked over to where the spirit was, it was the spitting image of me in my earth nation clothes and all. It was almost like I wasn't even a fire nation noble, just a normal person. It was... refreshing.

"Come now" Wong Shi Tong stated as his head cocked towards the left portion of the library, I didn't have time to question before he swept me up with his wings and flew towards whatever he was talking about. I screamed and held on for dear life as he flew, we entered a small room that held Aang, Katara, Sokka and Zei.

"Mortals are so predictable and such terrible liars" he tutted, throwing me onto the floor in front of the group. Katara ran to me and helped me up, I looked around at them to try and figure out what the spirit was upset by, Sokka had a steely glare and his hand on his bag.

"You betrayed my trust, from the beginning you intended to misuse this knowledge for evil purposes, your friend here was just trying to keep my attention I suppose" the spirit spat, stepping towards us as I stood next to Katara and Sokka.

"You don't understand! If anyone's evil it's the fire nation, you saw what they did to your library" Sokka said gesturing to the walls of the building, I kept my hand over my mouth. No matter where I went a trail of ashes and cinders seemed to link back to the fire nation, were we all truely evil?

"They're destructive and dangerous! We need this information!" Sokka pleaded with a clenched fist, I tried to keep my tears from brimming. A mixture of fear of the spirit and anger towards both my home and Sokka. His words were cruel but I couldn't help but agree.

"You think you're the fire person to believe their war was justified! Countless others before you have come here seeking weapons or weaknesses or battle strategies!" Wong Shi Tong yelled, batting his wings in frustration and anger.

"We had no choice, please we're just desperate to protect the people we love" Aang pleaded with a heartfelt tone, he was right. Aang was protecting the world, Sokka and Katara were protecting the water tribes and I was protecting my home; the root of all these problems. But

"And now I am going to protect what I love" Wong Shi Tong stated simply, he started fanning his wings up and down. "I'm taking my knowledge back, no one will ever abuse it again" the spirit added as sand started leaking into the room.

"He's sinking the building!" Katara yelled as I covered my face from the tiny grains of sand that were being flung into my face. "We've gotta get out of here" she added, looking around the room for exits.

"I'm afraid I can't allow that, you already know too much" Wong Shi Tong interrupted, stretching out his neck and diving between up, I screamed as I was knocked back by the force of the bird spirit.

I pulled Katara towards the circular door as we all screamed, I didn't dare to look back at the bird spirit which I new was right behind me.

I looked around the various corridors and bookshelves trying to find some sort of exit as the sand got higher and higher, I grabbed one of the random books and shoved it into my bag as we ran. Even if I was possibly about to die I still had to bring Toph something back.

I caught Zei who was flung back by Aang before the fool got crushed by the bird spirit, I watched as Aang sent waves of air towards the bird.

"We've gotta get back to the surface!" Aang yelled as he caught up with us, I nodded rapidly throwing Zei back onto his feet.

"Sokka we have to go" I yelled looking at Sokka who had stopped in the hallway, he looked back at me with wide eyes.

"But we still don't know when the next eclipse is gonna happen" Sokka reasoned, looking back at the astrology room.

"Sokka we don't have time, we'll find out later!" I yelled back, standing next to Katara as she nodded with me.

"No we won't, if we leave this place we'll never get the information, Aang come with me to the planetarium I need cover" Sokka decided, becoming over the air bender to follow him.

"(Y/n) take Katara and Momo and get out of here" he yelled turning around to run with Aang, I went to say something before the bird spirit bashed threw the wall. "GO" he yelled running in the other direction.

I nodded and ran with Katara and Momo, I swore to myself if Sokka and Aang died in there I would burn the place down myself.

I pushed Katara forward as the giant owl dipped towards us, ducking under his long tail. I jumped up using my bending to hop over the giant bird and propel me forwards, Katara didn't seem to notice the flames licking up my legs as we ran past more bookshelves.

I pulled her and Momo beside one of the larger bookshelves and covered her mouth as she panted, she looked at me with tears in her eyes.

"We'll be ok just breathe" I whispered as crashes sounded from behind us, the bird was getting closer.

"At least I'll have one specimen to add to my collection" Wong Shi Tong jeered, sticking his head around at us from the corner. I leaped up and continued to run with Katara.

I stopped with Katara, we were right in front of the rope.

"Your bending won't do you much good here, I've studied northern water style, southern water style even foggy swamp style" Wong Shi Tong delcared as Katara took a bending stance, I looked around for something to help with. I couldn't do anything really.

I screamed as I saw Sokka falling down on top of the spirit, slapping him with a heavy looking book.

"That's called Sokka style, learn it" Sokka jeered over the passed out spirit, I chuckled at the stupidity and happiness I felt at that moment. Following the two siblings up the rope as quickly as I could, not daring to look back down at the owl.

"Wait, professor lets go!" Sokka yelled looking at the earth nation man who sat between books and scrolls, he shook his head simply.

"I'm not leaving, I can't. I've spent too long trying to find this place there's not another collection of knowledge like this on earth" Zei stated, looking around at the books and tomes.

"I could spend an eternity here" he added, looking down at the books in front of him whilst-fully.

"We don't have time for this, let's just go!" I yelled looking at the sand that was slowly filling the bookcases and desks.

I was snapped out of my words when the rope started shaking and flailing around the room, the spirit had woken up.

I held onto Sokka as we fell, looking up to see Aang struggling to support us all holding onto his glider. Tears of joy left my eyes as we were swept out of the window of the top of the building. I groaned in pain as I was slapped against the hot sand, I looked up at the sky and panted. I was alive.

"We got it! There's a solar eclipse coming! The fire nations in trouble now!" Sokka yelled happily pulling me and his sister up and then enveloping us in a hug.

"Toph!" I yelled separating from Sokka and running over to the little girl who got knocked away from the crater where the library once stood.

I engulfed her in a hug and looked her over to make sure she was alright, she had no injuries except for some scrapes on her hands. But she had such a forlorn look on her face.

"Toph where's Appa?" Aang asked walking up to us with a confused expression, I looked around. Now I did notice the furry beast was nowhere to be seen, Toph just shook her head with tears brimming in her eyes.

Fire and water: Sokka x reader x Zuko Where stories live. Discover now