Desert walks

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(Y/n)s pov:

"Shh it's ok Toph we'll get him back" I comforted, holding the small girl in my arms as she let out tears.

"How could you let them take Appa! Why didn't you stop them?!?" Aang yelled glaring at Toph as I held her, Toph stepped away from me and turned her head to Aang.

"I couldn't! The library was sinking you guys were still inside and-" Toph rambled, out stretching her arms to gesture to something.

"You could've come to get us! I could've saved him!" Aang replied stomping over to her with a scowl.

"I can hardly feel any vibrations out here! The sand benders snuck up on me and there wasn't time for-" Toph tried to explain before getting interrupted by Aang again.

"YOU JUST DIDNT CARE! YOU NEVER LIKED APPA YOU WANTED HIM GONE" Aang yelled at her, leaning forward with tears.

"Aang that's enough, Toph did everything she could, none of us knew what was happening out here and she was trying to make sure we came out, she saved our lives" I stated, putting my hand on his shoulder.

"Who's gonna save our lives now? We'll never make it out of here" Sokka asked staring out into the sea of sand and harsh winds.

"That's all any of you care about, yourselves! You don't care whether Appa is okay or not" Aang yelled storming away in a random direction of the sand.

"Aang we are all worried about Appa, we can't do anything for him if we die out here though" I reasoned, looking at him with a sigh. I knew Appa was his best friend but he wasn't thinking logically.

"I'm going after Appa" he stated simply, unfolding his glider and leaping into the sky, Katara chased after him yelling for him to stop. But I knew nothing anyone of us could stay would stop him.

"We better start walking, we're the only people who know about the solar eclipse, we have to get that information to Ba Sing Se" Katara stated, walking forwards in the direction Aang went.

I nodded, holding onto Tophs shoulder and following her, I squeezed her shoulder to try and reassure her she did what she could.

"You think if we dig out that giant owl he'll give us a ride?" Sokka asked with a smile, he was always good at lightening up the mood.

"Sokka I think if we dig him out he'd mount our heads on his wall" I replied with a laugh, walking with a limp and sense of bravery. I looked down at ankle, where I had used my bending to hop over the owl had burnt my skin pretty badly.

I wanted to say something, maybe even ask Katara to heal it but then I'd have to deal with questions about how I got it. It was better just to leave it be and ignore it.

Time skip

"Sokka stop complaining" I groaned, batting away the stupid boy who was trying to use the loose fabric of my green sari (if you want ignore the outfit I have) as shade.

"Katara can I have some water?" Toph asked with a pink face as we continued to trek through the sand, katara nodded.

"Sure but we've gotta try to conserve it" Katara replied bending a bubble of water into each of our mouths, Sokka swished it around his mouth grossly.

"We're drinking your bending water? YOU USED THIS ON THE SWAMP GUY!" Sokka yelled spluttering and gawking about the tastes, to be fair it did taste stale..

"It does taste swampy" Toph added with a shrug as Momo squawked at Katara.

"I'm sorry, it's all we have" Katara apologised showing us an empty drinking canister, I placed my hand on her shoulder with a smile.

Fire and water: Sokka x reader x Zuko Where stories live. Discover now