Avatar day

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(Y/n)s pov:

Sokka's voice woke me up abruptly as he yelled at Momo. Before I knew it Komodo rhinos and fire nation soldiers were surrounding us. "Give up! Your completely surrounded" the leader said atop a hill. Four of the beasts surrounded us walking in a circle ominously.

We scrambled to get on Appa. "My scrolls!" Katara yelled not hopping on Appa.

"I guess I better go get my bag" I said unenthusiastically. I jumped off Appa, dodging the attack of one of the rhinos and swiping the small earth nation satchel.

"My staff!" Aang yelled jumping off Appa. Katara grabbed her scrolls as the soldiers were busy trying to stop Aang. We took off as Aang scrambled back on, "my boomerang!" Sokka yelled leaning over the saddle. Katara and I pulled him back.

"There's no time!" Katara said as we flew further.

"Oh I see so there's time to get your scrolls and your staff and your bag, but no time to get my boomerang" Sokka said angrily. "That's correct" katara said passive aggressively. Sokka just let out a dejected oh.

"Should have thought of it sooner" I said putting my hand on his back. We flew to a nearby village to get some supplies since we just lost a major part of them.

"Sorry about your boomerang, Sokka" Aang said as Sokka sat dejectedly in the corner.

"I feel like I've lost part of my identity, imagine if you lost your arrow, or katara lost her hair loopies or (y/n) lost her knife" he complained with a sigh. I looked at my knife, I didn't think it was that important to me, then again it was my main weapon.

Katara gave him a hug. "Here's your produce, pony tail guy" the shopkeep said handing the basket to Sokka.

"I used to be boomerang guy"Sokka sulked walking away from us. "Hey water tribe money" the shopkeep said in awe.

"I hope that's ok?" Katara said with a small smile. He shrugged.

"As long as it's money, happy avatar day" the shopkeep said with a shrug, waving a goodbye to us. "Avatar day?" Aang asked, his ears pricking up at the word avatar. The shopkeep turned around.

"You guys are going to the festival right?" He asked, making his way down the path. We all smiled to each other before hurrying down the path.

We entered the village, it was decorated with all sorts of lanterns and streamers in different shades of green.  We kind of stuck out not being dressed in fancy light green robes like the other villagers.

"There's a holiday for the avatar, who knew" Aang said with a wide smile. "Look they made a giant Kyoshi float" I said pointing the statue as it went past the street we were on.

We followed it down the street as the next avatar came past, "and here comes avatar Roku" Sokka said pointing at the float. In my childhood I had seen many drawings of avatar Roku and most of the fire nation avatars for that matter.

"Having a huge festival in your honour is great but frankly it's just nice to be appreciated" Aang said with a grin.

"And it's nice to appreciate their deep fried festival food" Sokka said taking a bite of some street food. I leaned over his shoulder and took a bite, "eh could use some more spice, oo maybe fire flakes on top" I said practically drooling at the thought.

Sokka blushed as I thanked him for the food. I giggled, I wasn't gonna lie I knew what I was doing but I wanted to try the food as well. "Looks there's you" Katara said pointing to the float of Aang.

"That's the biggest me I've ever seen" Aang said looking up at the easily 20 ft float. I nodded. They lined all the floats in a row in the middle of the tile. A shirtless man with a torch ran towards them. "Oo a torch now that's a nice prop, it's bright dangerous and smells manly, but I'm not sure I could carry it off" Sokka said with a sigh.

The kids in front of us started cheering. "You don't seem like the fire type anyway" I said pointing to his blue shirt.

"Hey what's that guy doing" Katara asked as the torch bearer jumped through the float setting it ablaze. My eyes went wide as the crowd started chanting 'down with the avatar'. The man then threw the torch at Aang's float hitting him right in the eye.

Aang winced. Katara ran in dousing the floats. "Hey! That party poopers ruining avatar day" a man yelled pointing at Katara. Aang stepped in, flying up to his floats shoulder. "That party pooper is my friend!" Aang yelled taking off his rice hat to reveal his bald head and tattoos.

"It's the avatar himself!" A man in dark green robe yelled in a squeaky voice. "He's gonna kill us with his awesome avatar powers" another yelled pointing at Aang.

"N-no I'm not I-" Aang said as all the crowd started screaming and shaking. "I suggest you leave, your not welcome here, avatar" the coward in the dark green robes said shooing him off.

"Why not Aang helps people?" Katara asked crossing her arms. I nodded with a glare.

"It's true, I'm on your side" Aang said floating down to us. "I find that hard to swallow" the coward said pointing at Aang.

"You should learn to chew, I'm not as nice as Aang" I said glaring at the rude coward. He squealed.

"He was evil in his past life, it was avatar Kyoshi, she murdered our beloved ruler; chin the great" he said taking a step back from me.

"You think that I murdered someone" Aang said, he looked like he was about to throw up.

"We used to be a great society before you killed our leader, now look at us!" An ugly old man said pointing at himself. We all cringed. "Aang would never do something like that, no avatar would and it's not fair for you all to question his honour!" Katara yelled defending Aang.

The crowd stirred yelling all sorts of things at Aang and Katara. "Give me a chance to clear my name" Aang said in a pleading tone.

"The only way to prove your innocence is to stand trial" the coward said glaring at us.

Fire and water: Sokka x reader x Zuko Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin