History lessons

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(Y/n)s pov:

I fanned myself with a map as Zei chattered with Appa and Momo, Toph groaned, we had been flying for at least an hour now to be fair.

"Does this place even exist?!?" Toph asked in frustration, I sighed, recoiling back into appas saddle.

"Some say it doesn't" Zei replied with a still cheerful smile, I cocked my head up in annoyance.

"I told you it was only a myth" I hissed in annoyance, Toph nodded grumpily as she pouted.

"It shouldn't be this hard to spot a giant ornate building from the air" Katara reasoned as Toph and I grumbled, I shrugged in agreement.

"Down there! What's that?" Sokka asked while peering through his spyglass, I looked at where he was pointing. I could see a small black spot shimmering in the desert mirage.

We landed in front of what turned out to be a single tower that stuck out a few meters from the sand, it was a wonder anyone was able to build just that let alone a massive building on the shifting sand.

"That can't be what we're looking for, the library is supposed to be way bigger than that" I reasoned, cocking my head to try and see into the tower window.

I turned my gaze to a small animal that walked in front of us, a little yellowish gray fox that was carrying a scroll in its mouth.

"I think that was one of the knowledge seekers" Zei whispered, watching the fox as it ran up the wall of the tower and into the window.

"Well we must be close to the library" I explained with a shrug, Sokka shook his head, grabbing the map to look at it closer.

"No this is the library, look it's completely buried" Sokka explained, showing the peak of the main building on the map. There must have been so much sand that rose over the years to cover such a massive building.

"The library is buried?!? MY LIFES AMBITION IS NOW FULL OF SAND" Zei cried out, falling onto the yellow sand. "Well time to start excavating" Zei added with a shrug, grabbing a small shovel to dig the sand under him.

"That won't be necessary, the inside seems to be completely intact and it's huge" Toph said, putting her palm against the sandstone that the library tower was made from. I assume to do her earth bending sonar stuff.

"That fox thingy went in through a window, I say we climb up there and give it a look" Sokka decided with a nod, peering up into the small windows.

"I say you guys go ahead with out me" Toph replied with a shrug, Katara put her hands on her hips with a frown.

"You got something against libraries?" She asked with a confused expression, I face palmed as Toph sighed.

"I've held books before and I gotta tell you they don't exactly do it for me" Toph explained, walking back over to Appa. I sighed as katara mumbled out an apology, how does everyone keep forgetting she's blind.

"Let me know if they have something you can listen to" Toph replied with a grin as sokka threw his boomerang into the window.

"I promise to bring you back a book and read it to you Toffee" I replied, kissing the little girl on the cheek. She chuckled and muttered out a thank you with pink cheeks, she was so cute!

We made our way into the tower, climbing up the rope haphazardly. I looked down at Katara nervously as she nodded for me to go threw the window, the inside of the tower was filled with ornate carved walls.

I held my breath as I slowly made my way down, refusing to look into what seemed like an endless void below.

"It's breath taking! The spirit spared no expense in designing this place" Zei gasped, I held my eyes up looking at the picturesque dome that was supported by pillars with owls carved onto them.

Fire and water: Sokka x reader x Zuko Where stories live. Discover now