A trial of will

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(Y/n) pov:

"So one village doesn't like you, so what, there's a whole nation of fire people who hate you, now let's go" Sokka said rolling his eyes at Aang.

"I can't" Aang said looking at the ground. I sighed, we were gonna take the hard route.

"Sure you can a little whoosh and a swish swish swish and an air bending slice and we're on our way" Sokka said imitating aangs air bending.

"I think what master swish is trying to say, is that your supposed to be out saving the world, you can't do that locked up in here" Katara said with a small smile.

"I can't do that with people thinking I'm a murderer either, I need you guys to help prove my innocence" Aang said hanging limply. "How are we gonna do that, it happened over 300 years ago" I said crossing my arms. Sokka nodded.

"I'm sorry Sokka it's just that I thought you were some sort of expert detective" Aang said buttering up Sokka, I groaned and ran a hand down my face. Seemed I wasn't the only one who knew how to rile up sokka.

"Well I could be classified as such" Sokka said crossing his arms with a goofy smile. I rolled my eyes. "Yeah! Back home he was famous for solving the mystery of the missing seal jerky" Katara said with a nod.

"Everyone wanted to blame it on a polar leopard but I figured it was old man jarko wearing polar leopard boots, see a real 800 pound polar leopard would have left much deeper tracks, ok I guess I am pretty good" Sokka said turning around.

Aang mimicked him with a smirk while Katara and I tried not to lose our shit laughing. "So you'll help me with my case?" Aang asked with a grin.

"Fine but I'm gonna need some new props" Sokka said rubbing his chin, I rolled my eyes once again. "I wanna state for the record that I think this is dumb" I interjected with a blank expression.

"Hey if you don't wanna help I'll just stay in here forever" Aang said dramatically. I snorted at his exaggeration. "Oh no avatar Aang whatever will you do" I said walking out of the jail. Sokka followed me out.

"So (y/n) are you gonna come with us to Chin's temple" Sokka asked running over to me. I shook my head. "I'm gonna go explore the village, you two can go investigate, plus with your expert detective skills you clearly won't need me" I said with a wink.

"I guess" Sokka said dejectedly. I waved to him as he walked back into the cell. I walked mindlessly. I did love being with the gaang but my visions from the swamp had been nagging me.

I know Huu told me it was people I missed but it didn't feel quite right. Maybe my parents but not Azula....

I found myself on a road. It was fairly secluded, surrounding the road was dense foliage. Not the kind you'd be scared to walk into but the type that practically invites you in.

The sounds of rushing water was nearby. I walked towards the sound still I saw a stream. I walked towards the small stream leaning down to fill my water bottle. A shadow flickered in my peripheral vision. I stood straight, tensing up and reaching for my bag.

I felt a cold blade pressed against my throat and a hand wrapped around my side holding me still. Their fingers dug deep into my side. That was definitely gonna bruise...I sucked in my breath, leaning back from the knife and into my attacker.

"A hello would have been nice" I muttered racking my brain of how to shake my assailant. "Your supposed to be dead" they said digging their hand deeper into my into my side. The voice was deep and raspy. Familiar but I couldn't place it.

"I don't have any money, if that's what your after" I said eyeing my bag that laid in front of us. It didn't contain coins but I did have a weapon.

"You we're dead, you faked it didn't you (y/n), I heard about it even while in earth nation waters" my attacker said keeping a firm grip on me.

My eyes widened. Who ever he was he knew about me being fire nation. "Who are you?" I asked as his hands twisted deeper into my gut. I cried out in pain. "Answer me dammit!" the attacker yelled before letting go of me and lowering his sword.

He changed so suddenly. I whipped around and bent a flame at the attacker. He quickly grabbed my arm holding it up. My attacker was in a blue spirit mask concealing their face. I tried to rip my arm away but they easily kept me in place.

"What do you want with me" I yelled thrashing and flailing in an attempt to get away.

"HEY! GET AWAY FROM HER" Sokka yelled from behind me. The masked man let go of me as a boomerang flew towards him. I ran towards Sokka as Katara jumped in with a water whip. The attacker retreated as Sokka hugged me tightly.

"Are you ok did he hurt you I swear I'll-" Sokka growled before I interrupted him.

"No no I'm fine let's just get out of this place" I said loosening my grip on his shirt. I picked up my bag and wiped my eyes. I couldn't lie I was terrified. Not only of my masked attacker but also that he who knew I was.

Katara ran up and hugged me tightly muttering about how worried she was and how much she wanted to hurt my attacker. "Hey no one panic I'm fine, just some bandit" I said trying to calm everyone down.

Masked attacker's pov:

I threw my blue spirit mask in anger. How could (Y/n) have faked her death? How could she not tell me? We were so close. Even when I was exiled she sent me messenger hawks just to tell me about her day, about all her meetings and noble duties.

Why now did she lie to me. Was this my sisters doing, I didn't think so.  Why was she travelling with the avatar. Nothing made sense.

Fire and water: Sokka x reader x Zuko Where stories live. Discover now