The jasmine dragon

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(Y/n)s pov:

"This is nice Iroh, you've done well for yourself" I stated with a small smile, placing one of the cardboard boxes on the kitchen counter.

"Soon enough you'll be able to go on your own path, I'm grateful you helped us move, I'd be more than happy to give you some money to help you find your friends" Iroh stated with a smile, Zuko huffed from the doorway.

"She's still hurt, she can't leave yet" Zuko muttered with a tut, glaring at the fancy wood flooring.

"I've only got a few bruises, I should be fine to leave and I couldn't take your money I think I'll be alright to find my friends" I replied with a small smile, giving a small bow to Iroh.

"What are you gonna do wonder around and get hit by a carriage?" Zuko asked with a scoff, crossing his arms in annoyance.

"I've been travelling on my own for 3 years now Zuko, I'll be fine" I retorted with a glare, turning away from him and rolling my eyes.

"Please Zuko is just concerned for you, stay one night so you are rested for your journey ahead" Iroh pleaded with a concerned smile, placing his hand on my shoulder. My eyes softened, Zuko I could piss off with a clear conscious but Iroh was a kind old man.

"I suppose a night to rest won't kill me, but tomorrow I'm leaving" I stated with a firm smile, looking up at Iroh with a nod.

"I'm going to be out most of the day, I'm gonna go have a nice picnic, you two will be alright alone won't you?" Iroh asked with a hearty chuckle, pulling a picnic basket out of one of the various boxes on the floor.

"We'll be fine uncle" Zuko grunted back, flicking his head to get his hair out of his face.

"Enjoy your day out Iroh" I replied with a roll of my eyes, shooting a warning glance at Zuko to be nice as Iroh waved to us and headed out. "I'm gonna meditate" I stated with a small sigh of relief, reaching into my pocket and pulling out my hair ribbon.

"I don't remember you ever being spiritual" Zuko jeered with a scoff, stepping in front of me as I tried to walk into one of the bedrooms.

"And I don't remember you being a server in a tea shop, how we've both changed" I stated with a small shrug, pushing him out of the way and opening the nearest door and walking into the bedroom, sitting in the lotus position on the soft carpet.

"Are you new friends gurus or something? Maybe monks?" Zuko asked with a sour tone, my eyes widened as I stared at the carpet.

"Of course not" I denied with a scoff, I didn't know whether he was poking fun at me or making an accusation. "You know I couldn't keep such enlightened company" I added with a shake of my head, placing my incense set on the floor.

"Could've fooled me, you seem so high and mighty now" Zuko snapped with a tut, I lit my incense with a deep breath in the calm myself.

"And your so angry, Zuko we can't keep having this conversation, take a page from my book, meditate and let your troubles go" I stated with a sigh, closing my eyes and letting the perfumed smoke take me to another place.

"That's easy for you to say, your troubles aren't stamped on your face!" He yelled back with a snarl, my eyes snapped open with a glare.

"I'll be out of your hair soon enough, I would've left today if it wasn't for you!" I reminded him with an exhale of frustration, the embers on the tips of the incense sparked into a small flame.

"What so you can go prance around with the avatar!" He yelled at with a sharp glare, I froze in complete panic. I couldn't live with myself if I placed Aang in danger.

"That is none of your business" I stated with gritted teeth, looking down at the incense sticks in front of me.

"It is my business, it is my destiny to capture him! To reclaim my honour!" He barked back, his fist punching the wooden door way. 

"THEN ITS MY DESTINY TO STOP YOU" I replied with a raise of my own voice, snuffing out the lit incense sticks with the heel of my palm.

"How can you be so selfish this is ALL I want!" He yelled in almost a wail, slamming his fist once again into the door frame.

"AND THIS IS ALL IROH WANTS" I replied in a tone of utter disbelief, standing up and facing Zuko. "Your gonna betray an old man that treats you like his own son even though you don't deserve it, are you gonna cost him his dream?" I asked with a glance of disgust, Zuko seemed to crumble at this point.

"I haven't- I don't want to take that away from him but the only thing I want right now is my honour" he replied with watering eyes, I raised my hand to touch his cheek, he slapped it away.

"You don't want honour, you want to fill the gaping hole in your heart, the only person that can redeem your honour is yourself" I stated with a look at pity, lowering my hand to my side.

"What would you know?" He hissed with a glare, his eyes kept down to his feet. I sighed and looked down at my hands, rolling the black silk ribbon around my fingers.

"About shame? About having a hole in your heart where there should be love?" I asked with a dry laugh. "More than you would think" I admitted with a sigh, Zuko turned his back to me stomping out of my room with a grunt.

Later that night

I stared at the ceiling of my bedroom as the sound of the front door opening resounded through the apartment, I had heard Zuko sneak out, then Iroh and now I was hearing them return.

"You did the right thing, letting the avatars bison go free" Iroh's muffled voice insisted with a click of the door shutting, I sat up from the plush pillows I was laying on. Appa was free?

"I don't feel right" Zuko replied, he didn't sound like himself, more of a hollowed out body with his voice. The apartment stayed silent for a few moments before the sharp smashing sound of clay and the thump of a body hitting the floor boomed through the thin walls.

I jumped up from my bed, running into the loungeroom of the apartment. Holding back a scream as I saw Zuko's unconscious body on the floor with Iroh looking over him in concern.

"(Y/n) your supposed to be asleep" Iroh stated with a sigh as I ran over and fell to my knees onto the floor next to Zuko.

"Is he ok?!?" I yelped with a cry, my hands grabbing Zuko's with a glance of desperation towards Iroh.

"He's gonna be ok, he's just going through a lot of changes" Iroh stated with a deep sigh, hauling Zuko's arm over his shoulders. I quickly did the same on the other side, we dragged Zuko into the bedroom next to mine and laid him down. My anxiety churned in my stomach as Iroh wiped the sweat from his brow with a wet cloth.

Fire and water: Sokka x reader x Zuko Where stories live. Discover now