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(Y/n)s pov:

"I'm sure we'll come up with a plan after a short nap" I replied to Aang, sinking down into the side of the air bison saddle. "Yes, sleep" Sokka added as butterflies filled my stomach, not the kind you get when talking to a crush, but the type you get when you dream about falling.

I opened my eyes and held on tightly to the side of the saddle. "WHATS GOING ON" Toph yelled, kicking her feet in a panic. "Appa fell asleep!" Aang yelled, holding on tightly to his reins.

"WELL WAKE HIM UP" I yelled feeling my grip on the saddle loosening, I screamed as I was about to loose my little grip I had I felt an arm wrap around my waist. I looked over to Sokka in a sort of thank you, while trying to get my hands back on the saddle.

We then in an instant went from falling to a crash landing, getting tugged every way and getting send through trees, pine needles sticking into my clothes as we landed next to a river.

We all hopped off the bison grabbing our bed rolls and ignoring the other supplies. "Appas exhausted" Aang stated, patting the furry creature tiredly.

"Okay, we've put a lot of distance between us and them, the plan right now is to follow appas lead and get some sleep" Sokka stated as Katara and I followed him to put down our bedding.

"Of course we could've gotten sleep earlier if Toph didn't have such issues" she said glaring at the blind girl who was embracing the ground. "WHAT" she screamed, digging her hands into the ground.

"We're all very tired, let's just get some rest-" I said before getting cut off by Toph, "not now (y/n), I wanna here what Katara has to say, you think I have issues?" she said standing up, not bothering to dust the grass off herself.

"Katara, don't do this now, we need to-" I started once again before being cut off by one of the girls.

"(Y/n) not now, I'm just saying maybe if you helped out earlier we could have set up our camp earlier and gotten some sleep AND THEN MAYBE WE WOULDN'T BE IN THIS SITUATION" she said raising her tone as she spoke.

"Now girls-" I started before getting cut off by both of them yelling "NOT NOW (Y/N)" and continuing to yell eventually adding Aang into the argument after blaming Appa.

"THATS IT, I DONT WANNA HEAR ANOTHER IMMATURE OR IDIOTIC WORD COME OUT OF ANY OF YOUR MOUTHS" I yelled, stamping my foot down loudly onto the green grass. I could feel my palms heating up as I got more stressed, Katara and Aang stared at me in shock while Toph walked towards her bag.

"I'm out of here" Toph stated, picking up her bag and walking away from Katara, Aang and I. "Wait" Sokka protested standing in front of her, she moved him out of the way with her bending.

"WHAT DID I JUST DO! I can't believe I yelled at my earth bending teacher, now she's gone" Aang complained in a remorseful tone. I groaned and nodded, I shouldn't have lost my temper and called all 3 of them immature and idiotic.

"I know, we're all just trying to get used to each other, I was so mean to her" Katara admitted laying on appa with a sigh. "Yeah, you two were pretty much jerks" Sokka agreed taking a drink of water.

"Thanks Sokka" Katara thanked sarcastically, "no problem" he chimed, gesturing to her with his cup.

"We need to find Toph and apologise" I stated as Katara helped Aang up. "Ok but what are we gonna do about the tank full of dangerous ladies chasing us?" Sokka asked as Aang grabbed a handful of Appas shedding fur.

Time skip

"Katara we have company!" Sokka yelled as we looked down at Ty-lee and Mai, I had to be very careful on how I dealt with this, one wrong move and I could loose everything I had built with the gaang.

"How did they find us?!?" Katara yelled back, trying to make Appa go faster, "he's too tired, he won't be able to go fast" I stated as we started to go back down, heading for the not very soft ground.

"We just need to make it across that river" Sokka stated as Appa scraped the tops of the trees, "come on a little further buddy" Katara said, willing the large beast on.

I pulled Sokka back as Mai sent a dagger towards his face. We both held on to the bison tightly as we skated over the river, crashing into the bank on the opposite side. Katara and Sokka celebrated as Appa groaned.

"We're not safe yet" I yelled as the mongoose lizards ran over the water, Katara sent a wave to Ty-lees steed as she jumped off it, landing gracefully onto a tree. I grabbed my knife out of my back, holding it firmly while standing behind Sokka.

I went after Mai as Ty-lee and Katara sparred. "Long time no see" Mai said smirking at me as we circled each other, I glared. "Let's just keep the no see part" I spat, lunging at her with my knife.

She jumped away and got got hit by one of Kataras water whips before pinning her, I ran over to Sokka to try and get his help.

He had both of his arms limp and one leg, truely a fine warrior. "I thought when Ty-lee and I finally caught you guys, it would be more exciting oh well, victory is boring" Mai cooed with an unhappy sigh.

I shushed a confused Sokka who was staring at me and nudged Appa desperately trying to get him to wake up. He opened his eyes and looked at me in confusion, I pointed him towards the girls, he seemed to understand my plea and batted them into the river with his strong tail.

"Oh thank you Appa, I don't know what we'd do without you" Sokka cooed and the furry beast licked him, I cringed with a chuckle as I made my way over to Katara to free her from the tree she was pinned to.

"Hey (y/n), that moody girl said long time no see, what was that about?" Katara asked, rubbing her wrists as I took Mais knives and slotted them in my pocket.

"You really don't remember? The girl I kicked in Omashu and the guy freaked out" I said, keeping my composure as she lied. "Oh yeah" she said with a nod, dropping the topic thankfully.


As we ran into the desert town to help aang something caught my eye, in the side of one of the buildings was a moving pile of rubble, I looked closer at it. Zuko was under that pile. I contemplated running over to help him but that would compromise my position with the gaang.

I remorsefully ignored him and ran towards the burning building with Katara. She sent a water whip to Aang to free his from debris, Azula promptly sent a fire slash towards her, we ran opposite directions as Azula chased Katara.

I ran back into the building and helped aang up, we joined the group who we cornering Azula. Sokka and I dodged the water, fire and air that was all being ricocheted, tactically staying out of Azulas vision.

She was then suddenly knocked out, "I thought you guys could use a little help" toph said standing behind the fire nation princess. Azula soon hopped up, sending as many fire balls as she could towards us.

Iroh and zuko joined the fray as she backed herself into a corner. Iroh stared at me as I shushed him, he nodded curtly and turned back towards Azula. He was the only one of the 3 to detect my presence so far, but I didn't doubt that she would notice me soon.

"Well look at this enemies and traitors all working together, I'm done I know when I'm beaten, you got me a princess surrenders with honour" she said raising her hands and glaring at me. She'd definitely caught wind of me, but she wasn't saying anything.

I didn't trust her surrender, Azula thought of it as cowardly, continue fighting with honour or die was a quote she used often. She then sent a blast of fire directly to Iroh, he screamed in pain as the 4 benders immediately fired on Azula.

I couldn't help it, I ran to him, falling to my knees trying to help. An explosion sounded behind me, I leaned over Iroh trying to protect him from most of the debris.

Zuko ran over, pushing me harshly away, I looked at him with a mix of sadness and betrayal. He hadn't even looked at my face, he was transfixed on Iroh, "GET AWAY FROM US" he yelled as the rest of the gaang walked over. I got up and scrambled to toph, she shouldn't have been seeing something like this.

"Zuko, I can help" Katara yelled as zuko sent a blast of fire our way, I could see threw him though, whether it was from bluff or distress that wasn't a serious wave of fire, it dissipated almost instantly.

We backed off making our way towards appa.

Fire and water: Sokka x reader x Zuko Where stories live. Discover now