Meeting Toph Beifong

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(Y/n)s pov:

"Thank you for having us in your home mr Beifong" I greeted bowing in respect to the middle aged man, politeness with the rich was a very crucial talent I had learned in my many years of nobility. He grinned at my display as I sat down.

"Blow on it, it's too hot for her" mr Beifong said waving his hand at the guard, Toph looked more than unpleased with her babying. "Allow me" aang said, sending a tiny twister over to the little girls bowl.

"Avatar aang it's an honour to have you visit us" lady Beifong said with a smile as Sokka scarfed down his food, I nudged him gently, trying to subtly hint that having rice all over his face wasn't an amazing look.

"Yes, in your opinion much longer do you think the war will last?" Mr Beifong asked, taking rice with his chop sticks daintily, throwing a harsh side eye at Sokka. Aang thought for a moment.

"I'd like to defeat the fire lord by the end of the summer, but I can't do that without finding an earth bending teacher first" Aang stated, staring directly at Toph in the most unsubtle way possible.

I sighed and continued to eat my rice, how the gaang had made it this far astounded me sometimes.

"Well master Yu is the finest teacher in the land, he's been teaching toph since she was little" mr Beifong replied, gesturing to the smug old man. I rolled my eyes at his attitude.

"Well then she must be a great earth bender, probably good enough to teach some one else- OW" Aang yelled getting sent flying up at least an inch from his seat. I looked at Katara in question, she just shrugged back. Mr Beifong looked between the two in suspicion.

"Toph is still learning the basics" master Yu stated, taking some rice out of his bowl.

"Yes and sadly because of her blindness, I don't think she will ever become a true master" her father stated, clasping his hands in a sort of melancholy. We looked between each other, she was definitely keeping her blind bandit hobby a secret from her parents.

"Oh I'm sure she's better than you think she is- AH" Aang said before getting cut off, his head slamming straight into his soup. We all stared in confusion as he proceeded to sneeze, sending food all over the Beifongs and master Yu.

I ran a hand down my face and cursed silently, they were 100% gonna kick us out, thank the dragons we were in the earth kingdom and not the fire nation.

"WHATS YOUR PROBLEM?" Toph yelled standing up from her seat at the dinner table, Aang followed. "WHATS YOUR PROBLEM?" he replied, death staring the little girl, I sunk in my chair in shame.

"Well... shall we move to the living room for desert then?" Mrs Beifong asked, daintily cleaning the soup from her robe. "That would be wonderful, thank you Mrs beifong" I responded with a smile, trying to ease the tension.

Time skip

I read the scroll Sokka pulled from the dagger that stuck into the lush grass. "If you wanna see your daughter again bring 500 gold pieces to the arena, it's signed Xin Fu and the boulder" Katara stated, reading it aloud.

"I can't believe it" Sokka stated looking at the scroll with an expression I couldn't place. I nodded, a ransom on a little girl, even if she was a powerful earth-bender she was still a child.

"I HAVE THE BOULDERS AUTOGRAPH" he yelled falling to his knees with the scroll. I kicked him in the back as lady Beifong cried.

"Master Yu I need you to help me get my daughter back" mr Beifong stated turning to the other male, "we're going with you" I stated watching lady Beifong fall to her knees at the spot where Toph and Aang were captured.

Time skip

"We have the money, now let them go" Sokka stated, letting the green money pouch fall to the ground. Yu used his earth bending to slide it over to them. He inspected the bag carefully before signalling to let the metal boxes down.

They only let toph out, who quickly ran to her father. "Hey what about aang" Katara asked glaring at Xin Fu. "Tch I think the fire nation would pay a hearty price for the avatar, now get out of my ring" he tutted, unraveling a fire nation wanted poster of aang.

We stood our ground as the various earth benders surrounded us, I glared intently at the fire nation dressed one. He wasn't even wearing a proper insignia, not only was he being a lord ozai supporter he wasn't even wearing our robes!

"Go, I'll be ok" Aang called out, waving from his metal box, we backed out slowly following the Beifongs and master Yu. "Toph there's too many of them, we need an earth bender, we need you!" Katara called out.

The men came to a stop. "My daughter is blind, she is blind and tiny and helpless and fragile! She cannot help you" mr Beifong spat as Toph promptly let go of her fathers hand.

"Yes I can" Toph stated, walking towards us and away from her poor father who looked as if he was about to cry, I felt a sought of sympathy for Tophs parents; after all they were just trying to protect their child.

We stamped back into the area, Toph sent a wall of rock, stopping the group from walking any further with Aang.

"Let him go, I beat you all before and I'll do it again!" Toph yelled pointing at the group of burly men. "The boulder takes issue with that comment" he stated as the big guy threw aang onto the floor with a thump.

I stood with my knife out as the men ran towards us, toph hailed our stop. "Their mine" she growled, smirking at them. I watched in awe as she raised the earth, putting up a massive dust cloud, sending them all into disarray.

She made her way into the cloud with a wide grin. The first one to come flying out of the ring was the fire propaganda idiot, I smirked widely. "Sokka would you happen to have any sort of bashing weapons?" I asked fluttering my eyelashes at him.

He nodded in confusion and passed me a water tribe club. "Perfect" I muttered jumping down from my place in the ring to the side lines. I walked up to the disoriented man with a smile.

"Hey buddy, next time study up on what you want to mimic" I stated before hitting him full force on the head with the club, completely knocking him out. I stepped away as the frog masked earth bender came flying in the same spot.

I ran back to join Katara and Sokka who had finally freed Aang from his metal prison. We continued to watch as the earth benders fought Toph fruitlessly. All ending up in a passed out pile.

Leaving Xin and Toph alone in the ring. Rocks crashed being send everywhere, Tophs nibble steps predicting every move, sending Xin between master Yu and her father. We ran up to her in joy.

Fire and water: Sokka x reader x Zuko Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ