The drill

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(Y/n)s pov:

"Shen smiled at the moth butterfly, his wool turned white and he no longer felt jealous, he had accepted that she was just as beautiful as him through friendship" I finished, looking at Toph and moving the book mark to the next page.

The next story we had up was a story called 'Ikki the lying princess'. All of these fables seemed like they had some merit, even if Toph was participating in a multinational war at 12 at least she would be doing that with also the knowledge that kindness is key and honesty is the best policy. Even if that is rich coming from me.

"Sounds like someone I know" Toph chuckled, looking at me with a smirk. My face flushed as I shook my head at her, maybe honesty can go screw itself, the lie is nicer to believe anyways.

"I have no idea what your talking about Toph" I replied, looking away from her as Aang landed in front of us. He showed deep concern, an expression Aang should be far too young to make.

"Aang what are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be looking for Appa?" Katara asked, tilting her head at the young boy.

"I was but something stopped me, something big" Aang stated as we gathered around the wall, letting Toph and Aang slide us up with their bending. My brows furrowed, I really didn't think anything was big enough to get in the way of the big loveable sky bison we were all so desperate to find.

"What's so big that Appa has to wait?" Sokka asked as we reached the top of the wall, I gasped and stepped back. A large almost train like drill twisted and laboured its way closer to the outer wall of Ba Sing Se, noxious smog trailing out of various exhaust pipes in the main body of the drill. The grey gas pooling into thick clouds in the sky.

"That" Aang pointed out looking at the giant drill like machine, I took a few breaths and took the black ribbon out of my hair. Here was not the place for my top knot, now was not the time for it.

The fire nation, no the war had proven to me once again that I wasn't strong enough to take hold over my own personality. This had fortified my cowardice again, my willingness to hide behind my own walls of safety. Not unlike the earth king hiding behind the walls of Ba Sing Se.

"That thing is gonna drill a hole into the outer walls, their planning to break through the front door" I stated in almost disbelief, general Iroh had tried this years ago, albeit not with a giant drill but still.

"What are you people doing here? Civilians aren't allowed on the wall!" An earth kingdom solider yelled out, stamping over to us with furrowed brows.

"I'm the avatar, take me to whoever's in charge" Aang stated with a serious expression, stamping his staff on the ground in front of him. As much as a goofball Aang was he certainly knew how to command respect as the avatar when he needed it.

The solider nodded with wide eyes, waving at us to follow him as he walked towards one of the lookout towers that was mounted on the wall every 20 meters or so. A hunched over old man clad in earth kingdom general regalia greeted us with a bow.

"It is an honour to have you in the outer ring young avatar, but your help is not needed" he stated with a small nod as he pondered over paperwork on his rock desk, I could hardly fathom why a great general would be scouring scrolls and parchment when there was a massive weapon at his front door.

"Not needed?" Aang questioned with a look of disbelief, the rest of us all mirroring his expression.

"Not needed" he repeated with a curt nod. "I have the situation under control, I assure you the fire nation cannot penetrate this wall" I stated with a sigh, getting up from his chair and walking out of his watch tower and out onto the wall. We followed suit. "Many have tried but none have succeeded" he added with a proud smile, gazing out over the wall.

"What about the dragon of the west? He got in" I stated with a cross of my arms and a glare, general Iroh's puncture of the wall was broadcasted around the fire nation more than the weather predictions.

"W-well, technically yes but he was quickly expunged" the general stated with a small stutter, hesitation; he was covering up his military fail. I kept quiet, Iroh wasn't expunged. He lost his only child and retreated.

"This city is named Ba Sing Se, it means impenetrable city, they don't call it Na Sing Se, that means penetrable city" he stated with a small chuckle, putting his poker face back on as quickly as he lost it.

"Yeah thanks for the tour but we still got the drill problem" Toph stated with a huff, crossing her arms as the general walked back over to the edge of the wall.

"Not for long, to stop it I sent an elite platoon of earth benders called the terra team" the general stated with a nod, placing his hands on the side of the wall.

"That's a good group name, very catchy" Sokka praised with a nod, placing his hand on his chin. We watched as the earth kingdom men started taking out tank after tank, their attempts to slow the drill down failing. Slowly one by one the benders started falling, I could vaguely see two girls knocking them out. That had to be Ty-lee and Mai, Azula wouldn't bother with that kind of dirty work.

"We're doomed!" The general yelled with a cry, reeling back from the spy glass he was peering into like it had burnt his skin.

"Get a hold of yourself man!" Sokka snapped back, slapping the general across the face. He nodded, rubbing the cheek that Sokka struck.

"Your right, I'm sorry" he stated with a small nod, panting as if he was one of the earth benders exerting their precious energy fighting instead of a skinny old man cowering in fear on a hundred meter high wall.

"Maybe you would like the avatars help now" I stated with a glare, crossing my arms as I stared down the fool. It was a wonder how Ba Sing Se was still the impenetrable city with idiots like that as generals. He squeaked out a yes please, like a child who had refused their parents help with a chore.

"The question is how do we stop that thing?" Aang stated with a sigh as we all looked over the wall, it was a fair question to ask. We all turned to Sokka.

"Why are you all looking at me?" Sokka questioned with a scrunch of his nose, I shrugged.

"Your the idea guy" Aang stated with a small nod, Sokka rolled his eyes at the label.

"So I'm the only one that can ever come up with a plan, that's a lot of pressure" he stated with a huff, crossing his arms.

"And also the complaining guy" Katara stated with a roll of her eyes, Sokka nodded in agreement at that.

"I don't mean to add to the pressure, but that drill is getting closer to the wall as we speak, we need to move now" I stated with a sigh, peering down at the metal monster, Sokka glared at me. "It's the truth" I added with shrug.

"How about this, (y/n) you head into the inner city, find another general or something, we need more men if we want to keep stalling the drill" Sokka stated with a frown, I nodded with a deep breath in.

"Find general How, he will be able to order the most men to fight and notify the other members of the council of 5" the general advised with a nod, stroking his moustache in thought.

"I'll get there as fast as I can" I retorted, turning heel towards the elevator system that took soldiers up and down the wall.

Fire and water: Sokka x reader x Zuko Where stories live. Discover now