The swamp

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(Y/n)s pov:

I looked over appas saddle hesitantly at the mangroves, Aang started lowering us down towards them. "Hey Aang why are we going down" Sokka asked shaking his shoulder, Aang blinked.

"Oh I didn't even notice we were" Aang said with a sigh. A shiver went up my back. Something about this swamp wasn't normal.. I could hear the wildlife chittering from up in the air, not to mention the smell.

"I know this sounds weird but I think the swamp is calling to me" Aang said looking again at the mangroves. "No I can hear it too, I don't like this" I said holding Momo for comfort.

"Is it telling either of you where we can get something to eat" Sokka said scratching his head, I rolled my eyes at sokkas constant appetite.

"No, I think it wants us to land there" Aang said as Sokka sat down. "No offence to the swamp, but I don't see any land there to land on" Sokka said with a shrug.

"Bumi said to learn earth bending I'd have to wait and listen, and now I'm actually hearing the earth, do you want me to ignore it" Aang said as Momo jumped out of my arms. "Yes" Sokka said simply.

"I don't know aang, it doesn't sound right" I said looking over the side of the saddle. When I listened closely I could hear a quiet voice screaming my name.

"Yeah there's something ominous about that place" katara said leaning over next to me. Appa groaned and Momo chirped. "See even Appa and Momo don't like it" Sokka said as katara and I moved the the front of the saddle.

"Alright since everyone feels so strongly about it, bye swamp, yipp yipp" Aang said pulling us up towards the clouds.

I heard a rumbling from behind us. "You better throw in an extra yipp, we gotta move!" Sokka said as Aang turned around to see the twister we were viewing. Appa flew quickly trying to out turn the twister as it got closer, Sokka almost flew off before katara grabbed his hand.

Aang circled us in a air bubble for a few minutes before it snapped. I was sent flying into the swamp. I groaned as I got up from the murky water. "Sokka you've got an elbow leach" Katara said pointing at her brother.

He flailed around screaming where. "Where do you think" Katara said with an unimpressed glance, I chuckled dryly, I was cold and wet yet sokkas stupidity could always make me laugh.

"Why do things keep attaching themselves to me!" Sokka complained throwing the leach towards Katara and I. Aang swung down to us on a vine. "You couldnt find them?" I asked looking around the dense mangrove and vines.

"Nope, I couldn't find the tornado either, it just disappeared" Aang said with wide eyes. Another shiver crept down my spine. I really didn't like this place.

Sokka took out his knife. "We better speed things up" Sokka said slashing at the vines. Aang cringed.

"Maybe we should be nicer to the swamp" he said with a grimace. I nodded. "Aang these are just plants, you want me to say please and thank you as I swing my machete back and forth" Sokka said, continuing to cut the vines.

"Maybe you should listen to Aang, something about this place feels alive.." katara said backing Aang up, I shivered and stepped towards katara in fright.

"I'm sure there are a lot of things in this swamp that are alive and if we don't wanna end up getting eaten by them we need to find Appa as fast as we can" he said before slashing another vine. I shrugged as we started walking.


"We're gonna have to make camp for the night" Sokka said waving away a bunch of mosquitoes. A plume of gas emerged from the water below.

"What was that" katara asked jumping towards Aang. I inched towards Sokka. "It was just swamp gas, look theirs nothing super natural going on here" Sokka said holding his nose. I scrunched up my nose at the fowl smell.

A scream sounded from a distance away. We all flinched and hugged on to each other. I never noticed how nice his arms were.. "I think we should build a fire" Sokka said quickly unlatching from katara and I.

He cut some roots off a random tree. "Sokka the more we're here, the more I think you should be doing that" I said tensing up, not to mention everything was wet so there was no way he'd be able to make a fire with that.

"No I asked the swamp, it said this was fine, right swamp, no problem Sokka" he said making a voice to imitate whatever the swamp was. I sighed as we lit the fire. We sat around silent and hungry. Katara was the first the break the silence.

"Does anyone else get the feeling that we're being watched" katara said as her eyes darted around the dark swamp.

"Please we're all alone out here" Sokka said waving his machete at a bug. It lit up showing all the peering eyes around us.

"Except for them" I said hugging onto Katara. "Yes (y/n) except for the them" Sokka said huddling onto Aang. We all eventually passed out. I was still clinging to kataras waist, sleeping peacefully.

I was jolted back into consciousness as a vine ripped me from my slumber. I was quickly pulled away as I had nothing the grip on to. I tried to use my bending to little avail. Everything was wet and green. I did manage to sear a few vines off though.

I got out of their clutches, looking around while panting. I couldn't see Aang, Katara or Sokka. I was all alone in a big, wet, smelly, scary swamp.

Fire and water: Sokka x reader x Zuko Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum