The crystal caverns

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(Y/n)s pov:

"You two are so dramatic, first you run off faking your death, now you Zuzu, gonna challenge me to an Agni Kai?" Azula asked with a chuckle, her men all lined behind her like a grid. Zuko bared his teeth, ready to bark some insult at her. I raised my hand.

"If he doesn't I will" I threatened with a narrow glare, "I challenge you" I added with a tut, waiting for her response.

"No thanks" she stated with a shrug, Zuko and I both raised blasts of fire with a grunt. Two of Azula's Dai Lee raised a blockade of rock while the others sent their gloves of earth, pinning us to where we stood. Azula chuckled and walked away.

I pulled and kicked as desperately as I could, the Dai Lee men pushing Zuko and I were unfazed. Leading us deep into the palace through staircases and winding hallways, I tried to keep track of all the turns we made but the lefts and rights and stairs just kept going. It was maddening. We eventually stopped at a door that lead into a rocky cave, one of the men raised a lid of sorts that lead into a deep tunnel. A glow of green like the lamps that illuminated the kings drawing room laid at the end of it.

"You've got company" one of the Dai Lee men jeered, throwing both Zuko and I down the tunnel. Leaving us to tumble down with a cry, landing at the bottom with an audible oof.

"Zuko!?! Sarah?" Katara's voice yelled, running over to me and pulling me away from Zuko. She glared at Zuko before wrapping her arms around me protectively.

"Are you ok? Did he kidnap you? He's a terrible person, we've all been worried sick I'm so glad your ok" Katara rambled with a tight hug, taking another look at me to make sure I was alright before turning back to Zuko. He'd sat facing the crystal in far side of the cave.

"Why did they throw you in here?!?" Katara asked with a sharp tone, crossing her arms as I slumped down to my knees. "Let me guess it's a trap, so when Aang comes here to save (y/n) and I you can finally get him in you can finally have him in your little fire nation clutches" Katara stated with a scoff, I had to hold my hand over my mouth to stop myself from crying, throwing up or just plain screaming.

It had clicked that now someone was here, Katara was here. If Azula or hell even Zuko if he felt like fucking me over could tell her who I was; what I was. The trust I had built with everyone would crumble like stale bread, my house of cards would topple.

Zuko turned to look at us, shooting a glance of what felt like a mixture of betrayal and sadness at me before turning back. My mouth ran dry, I held my knees into my chest, staring intently at the dirt below me. I could loose everything in a couple of words, my new friends and my old one.

"This city is cursed" I mumbled with wide eyes, tears welling in them like a dam over filling in a storm.

"No no (y/n), it's ok it's not this city, it's disgusting fire bugs like him" Katara corrected not even turning back to look at me, too deadset on glaring at Zuko. "What did you do with her? Huh? Your a terrible person you know that!" She yelled with a grunt, pacing back and forth.

"Hunting us, chasing us down, trying to capture the worlds one last hope for peace, but what do you care? Your the fire lords son, spreading war and violence and hatred is in your blood" Katara spat in disgust, pacing back and forth in front of me.

"Katara stop it, it's not black and white" I stated with a horse voice, reaching for her wrist which she promptly snatched away.

"You should listen to your friend, you don't know what your talking about" Zuko retorted with a huff, the word friend felt like an insult. Less like a word to show companionship and more like a declaration of war.

Fire and water: Sokka x reader x Zuko Where stories live. Discover now