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Charlotte Bartlett

I just stood there staring at my parents. Looking at my mother with pleading eyes, they couldn't possibly be doing this to me. I was pregnant, now to top it off I have to marry a stranger.

I wanted now more than ever the distraction of Belle singing Rihanna. But I knew that wouldn't benefit anyone at the moment. How the fuck would I get out of this, I don't even know what would happen if I told my parents.

It's not like I meant anything to them anyhow. They were so heartless and so cruel. But I never thought they'd sell their daughter for a deal. For some stupid merger I never agreed to.

"I'm afraid Charlotte wasn't aware of this arrangement?" Her voice faints surprise, but my face was obvious. No shit Sherlock, I just found out I have to marry some random guy. She sounded caring, but anyone could put on a show if they wanted.

For years I thought I'd be meeting Carter at the end of the isle. But it's funny how things work, how people cheat and parents use you. He was an ass hole, my parents knew it well and had met him multiple times. They didn't even know we broke up and they probably thought I was still with him, but still couldn't care less.

"If you could excuse us for a moment, my apologies," Stealing Belle's hand we rushed off to the foyer towards the staircase.

Opening the door to my childhood bedroom I felt sick to my stomach. Everything was still in place as I left it. Walls cream colored with my white desk and pink bed. Twinkle lights displayed Polaroids of my childhood.

There were picture frames displayed on my vanity with me and my late aunt. My aunt Emma and aunt Lizzy were the closest things I'd ever had to an actual mother.

My aunt Emma passed away at age 40 from a car accident 5 years ago. She was on her way home from a New Years party in Vermont. A drunk driver hit her taxi causing the car to flip, she hit her head and she was gone.

She was the sweetest soul, she was a free spirit, a traveling journalist who went where the world took her. The first time I think I ever saw my mom cry was at my aunt's funeral.

I picked up the photo is us with her infectious smile "I wonder if she's looking down at me feeling sorry for me" Belle walked over "she'd want you to buck up Charlie" I placed the photo back down

"WHAT THE FUCK" I said in agony. I felt my vocal cords strain from the tone. I wanted so badly to punch the wall, break the window, burn the place down.

"What if we snuck out?" Belle said trying to be supportive

"I'd see him Monday and he'd probably bring my future... husband" I laid back on the bed staring at the ceiling. How did I let my parents take such control, even if I did try to back out they'd find some loophole. They always do

"Maybe we should call Lizzy" I shook my head, I couldn't disappoint her. Telling her I was pregnant and I don't even know how she'd react to an arranged marriage. I wanted my life back, I wanted to be a college student at Columbia who's only focus was school and her sister. I'd go back and make sure to never go after Carter, never go up to him that day at the football game asking for his number.

I'd redo it, maybe I would've gone into law. I'd screw my parents obligations and go after my journalism career at the NewYorker. I wanted a life that was no longer reachable

"What if he doesn't like your jeep? If you have to rid the Jeep can I take it, is it even safe for fetus" she tilted her head raising her eyebrows and I rolled my eyes

"I don't think he'll like a lot of things about me, especially the one where I am pregnant"

"Big boobs from the hormones are a plus!" Belle said trying to lighten the mood

"I can't believe this" I started to laugh, I hit my nervous breakdown point. I think Belle seriously thought I was about to lose it. I leaned against my headboard with my head on Belle's shoulder

"I can't cry" She looked at me

"You can, let it out" she said reassuringly rubbing the palm of my hand

"I decided to not wear waterproof mascara" I sat up "You didn't wear waterproof mascara walking into the lion's den?" I stood up and straighten my dress

"And I thought life sucked at 14, I had it easy then" I placed a hand on my stomach taking a deep breath

"Let's go meet your future husband" Belle squeezed my hand supportively

I heard the front door open from upstairs
"Son you're here" she heard Leonardo say. I felt myself instantly tense "just breath, stress isn't good"


Nate Crawford

I pulled in-front of the house and parked my car. The estate was old but respectable. Closing my car door walking on the gravel as I went to the door. I couldn't believe I'd been sucked into this, I owed my father but do I really owe him my freedom.

Why couldn't he put Niccolo up to this shit. I was my mother's golden boy while my father favored Niccolo for wanting to take over. If he wanted a successor, why me. I have my own life, I sit in once and I get sucked in. My fear was what Will said, I have no idea how this girl will be.

I opened the door walking in to see a grand staircase "son you're here" I heard my father say from a far

"There in the den sir" a woman came over taking my coat staring me up and down. She showed me to the den where my parents were and Harrison was with his wife who eye balled me the second I entered the room

"Oh la dolcezza" my mother said coming over to hug me squeezing me tightly for minimal seconds before letting me go


"Mama" I said, accepting her hug. She stepped back and I shook my fathers hand looking at Harrison with a blank face and looked to the woman next to him

"Nate this is my wife Amara" I shook his hand and then Amara's. She gave me lingering looks, the man should watch his wife's flirtatious eyes

"Very nice to meet you" her eyes lingered and the more annoyed I had become

"Our daughters should be down shortly" he said

"Daughters?" I questioned

"Yes we have two, but Char will be the one you will be marrying" and I nodded politely patiently waiting for the possible bimbo who'd show before me

As I stepped more into the room everyone looked over behind me as another presence became known "sorry for my absence" I heard it behind me.

Her voice so familiar, so comforting.... Tesoro



Hi I hope you all are enjoying! My apologies for such a short chapter I had pre written this long ago! I wish I had written more for this one!

Also if you are enjoying remember to vote <3

Also if you are enjoying remember to vote <3

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