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Charlotte Crawford

I watched as she danced around the backyard of our Cornwall home. Her golden honey brown eyes searching the distance for the lovable fluffy companion she called Winston.

Her petal pink ruffled dress getting drenched the deeper she went into the longer grasses as the rain that poured out before remained fresh. She looked like a child of the sun in a way, I'd never seen a happier little girl

He came in behind her, scooping her up in his arms as she screeched followed by giggling. Her soft dirty blonde waves bounced in the air as he spun her "daddy!" She squealed

Winston making his appearance again, the dotted dalmation only to be found covered in mud. His spots a little bit more scruffy than last "Winston!" I groaned at the sights of him "oh dear what did you do!" Her giggles drew my attention away

The two held so much trouble, I looked back to her while I caught both their attention "mummy save me!" She squealed as he tickled her

I couldn't help but laugh at the two of them. He soon surrendered placing her down as she ran away from his grasp coming into mine "mummy" she whined

"Daddy's a big meanie huh?" She shook her head in agreement to my words, at only three years old she was very opinionated

"Hey, no fair I was just being silly" he scooped Care up once again placing a tight kiss on her cheek letting her go "I'm sorry princess" her lips quivered in upset "I didn't mean to upset you baby" she then nodded going back into his arms for a hug

Soon she let go coming to me, though usually a daddy's girl. Today she was more so attached to her mom, especially after I took her on a horseback ride for the first time. She usually was afraid of our horses Jack and Xander but today she was brave

His bark caught our attention and he did a full spin waiting for his ball to be thrown.

He caved, thee Nathaniel Crawford caved. After his daughter conned him into buying a dalmation after watching one hundred and one. He couldn't say no to his little girl, and his big girl... I may have played my part in sending him the ads of the nearby pet sheltered that housed some

Winston is our puppy, just about 5 months old. But even though Nate claims he despises him, I always seem to catch the two snuggled up together.

The green tennis ball rolled to my feet and I picked it up "okay Winnie, go get it boy!" I chucked it out into the field and he dashed after it as if he was chasing after a meat truck

Nate looked next to my Adirondack chair and reached into the bassinet holding up our little boy as he stretched, he was a silent snoozer "good afternoon" he whispered

Alex was just three months old. We didn't plan on having another baby so soon, but things just kinda happen. Nate was so excited when I told him, he was suspicious when I wasn't picking up MC as much as I usually did.

He had soft brown hairs and his fathers blue green eyes "mummy Aunty Jill!" MC whined

"She's coming over later I promise! She wouldn't blow you off, she just has things to do!" It's true Jillian was very busy, she'd graduated from Amherst a month ago and dipped her toes into the real world, it was icey.

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