Thirty Three

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Charlotte Crawford

We all sat around a grand table filled with food as light Christmas played in the background. The doorbell rang and Leonardo stood up

"Oh I can get it dear" a smile appeared on his face "oh no it's my surprise" he looked to me and Belle with an excitement which left us confused

Me and Belle exchanged a look. Why did he look at us? What did that mean, what could this man possibly have gotten us

"Is it for them?" Jillian asked the question we were all wondering

"I can't really be surprised" Belle countered

"Oh well you mentioned not being able to be with your parents for the holidays so" before Celine could finish her sentence I immediately tensed seeing them enter the dining room

"I take what I said back" Belle gripped the seat as we stared at them

"Merry Christmas!" Amara came in with a drunken smile across her face staring at us

My father had a fat smirk on his face, he could see right through us


"Mom, Dad wow..." Belle choked out and then cleared her throat "Merry Christmas" she shared my uncomfort that was obvious to most confusing Celine and Leonardo

"We thought you were in Aspen and then seeing Lizzy tomorrow?" I added, they weren't getting a kind greeting from me

"Oh well we were, then Leonardo called us and we couldn't refuse!" Harrison took a seat across from me

"It's so great to see you Harrison, Amara" Celine added with a kind smile, she was your classic housewife in ways

But Harrison's smirk was just evil "Papa, can I see you in the study for a moment" Nate glared at his father, but it was written all over his face

"Right before dinner?" Nate stood exiting the dining room out the doors without saying a word. Belle took my hand squeezing it

"Isn't it so nice we all get to spend Christmas together" Amara added looking around all of us acting as if she didn't notice Nate storm off

But what confused me most was that Celine knew the truth about my mother? Why would she invite her to come for the holiday

Nate Crawford

I slammed the door to the study once my father entered "Papà why wouldn't you inform me her parents were coming" he shrugged

"I saw no harm in it, it's her family"

"No, those are her parents, her biological parents not her family" I basically barked at the man "they mistreated her and Belle growing up, you invite them here to harm them?"

"Now listen to me son, I was unaware... Harrison called me up and suggested it would be nice for both the families to spend the holiday-"

"Get them out now" I slammed my hands in frustration on the desk

"Your acting quite childish, I will not be kicking them out that would be incredibly rude"

If OnlyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora