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He nodded at her and she tilted her head and smiled softly "what's your favorite color"

"The basics?" She nodded

"You gotta know the basics to know the exterior before you know the interior" he chuckled softly

"mine is blue, how about you?"

"Lilac purple"

"Dream vacation?" he asked

"Ah good one. Well luckily I've been fortunate enough to travel to the basics, Paris, Italy, most of Europe. Your going to think it's silly though" he shook his head

"Judgment free zone..... unless it's brutal" he said and she rolled her eyes

"Tulip fields in the Netherlands. They look so breathtaking and beautiful with the windmills. I've never been to the Netherlands, or I want to reenact mama Mia and go to Greece" she smiled and looked back to him

"What was your first kiss?" She asked and he sucked in his lips

"14, hadn't been kissed yet which I found pretty normal but I have three girl cousins who are like my sisters and they wouldn't stop teasing me about it. So one of them, Kate she had me make out with one of her friends it was awkward, she had chapped lips and smelt like Fritos"

"Oh the trauma" Charlotte said and stifled her laugh

"It's not funny" he said

"Kind of is" she said

"Tell me an embarrassing childhood memory?" He asked

"I had my diary in my school backpack and I had a crush on this boy, remind you I was in 3rd grade, there was marriage brought up in the text" she said

"I was at break and we'd just finished up and I was still writing and didn't hear my teacher so she took my diary and read it aloud to the class. Talking about my love for Tommy Betoncourt and Leonardo DiCaprio" she said and he smiled

"Oh really Leonardo DiCaprio?"

"Come on titanic? Romeo and Juliet?" He shook his head "I've never seen the Titanic, but I saw Romeo and Juliet in English class freshman year of HighSchool. I swear I almost threw my books at the screen to stop it from playing" she chuckled softly

"Oh come on it wasn't that bad, he was just really good to look at" she mused

"Tesoro should I be worried?"

"About Leonardo DiCaprio? A man who doesn't know I exist?" She smiled

"About Tommy Betoncourt" he joked

"How many siblings do you have? I don't know much about your family if you don't mind?" She questioned and he felt a little tense "just relax" she whispered and he smiled

"I have three younger siblings, Niccolo, Leonardo" she giggled and he rolled his eyes "and Jillian. Two brothers and a sister" she smiled

"I knew about the brothers, I didn't know you had a sister" he nodded "yeah she really avoids mom and dad and hates Niccolo, he's the worst and Leonardo is less of a serious person" he shrugged "but my sister Jillian focuses on school and she took her own path. We are seven years  apart but she still claims I'm her favorite because I cause the least trouble in her life" he said

"Will I get to meet her?" Charlotte questioned

"Yes she's coming to the... wedding, she really wants to meet you" she could see he did care for his sister but it was weird. Tonight he was showing some sort of emotion which she'd never seen

"Pet peeve?" He asked

"This is really weird but a bunch of people do this and I usually just say you can just say the year! But instead of saying my kid is 2 years old, when people say 'oh their 24 months'. Like get a grip lady your kids two years old, or even if they are a year and seven months don't say 19 months just say a little over a year and a half" she expressed and he began to laugh

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