Fifty Two

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Charlotte Crawford

Looking at the clocked it showed the time of 6 am. Just 30 minutes before I'd normally wake up, I felt her kick hard. Harder than usual, it actually hurt. My arm was half asleep as he leaned on it, I pulled it out from under him

Then it happened again she kicked full force "okay you need to cool it" I hissed in pain looking around the dark room as the cream curtains closed out the sunrise

Sunrise's growing up were one of my favorite things as a little girl. The way the colors would dance in the sky as I saw it as a sign from my late grandmother. She was my Angel above looking out for me.

She kicked again, this time I felt a liquid between my legs. I lifted the duvet to find blood and fear ripping through me "Nate" I yelled

He woke up looking over to me and seeing my face "what's wrong?" I looked back down as he did to

"I'm bleeding" my fingers were sticky and crimson as I lifted it

I looked to Nate who looked terrified at the sight in-front of him. I stood up as the blood rushed down my thighs, I screeched in pain as she kicked harder this time

I felt almost dizzy, like life was draining out of me barely able to stand as I felt his arms around me gently picking me up. He rushed me to the car as everything became a blur, the sunset was fading

The colors in the sky were just becoming blue as the clouds slowly came in making it grey "don't close your eyes amore"

I felt queasy, as if I had the worst motion sickness possible "I think the blood, is making me nauseous" I rasped taking his hand as I felt my eyes closing again

"Don't close your eyes, stay with me. We are going to make it to the hospital" I took a cautious breath leaning my head back

I focused on the scent of his body wash realizing it was mine, he'd showered before bed. He smelt like vanilla and cinnamon "it hurts"

"I think it's contractions" her kicks grew stronger, they were rapid and not far a part. As if someone was knifing me in the gut over and over

The car stopped, there was an accident ahead "what if we don't make it" he shushed me shaking his head and moved over "Nate this is the emergency break down-" I gasped in pain as it got worse squeezing his hand

He didn't give a damn about anything as he drove down the white lines. The sounds of a police siren as he pulled behind us on a motorcycle followed, he didn't stop "Nate"

"I'll kill this man if I pull over and you die, I will shoot him in the head and watch him bleed out" he continued to drive ignoring the sirens as he went through the streets of New York

He swerved through cars as careful as he could as the sirens grew louder "there are two cops-"

"Their dead" I squeezed his hand as the pain grew worse I couldn't help but sob "hold still baby we are almost there"

"Pull over" the sound of the police intercom came through and Nate switched on his hazards and continued driving "not pulling over to get a fucking ticket and possibly lose you" my eyes watered at this words

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