Twenty Four

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Nate Crawford

I woke up alone as the plane began it's descent. She wasn't next to me, and I felt unsettled about it.

I got up from the bed making my way to the other cabin and found her. I felt the smile immediately form on my face, she'd fallen right to sleep while watching a movie.

Her computer screen was black as her eyes were closed, curled into the couch. Her hair was a mess as her face was smooshed against the seat. She was beautiful as she slept

But why did she leave the bed?

Moving myself over to her she opened her eyes to look at me surprised, as if I was some intruder

"Good rest?" I raised my eyebrows in confusion

"Good enough, I couldn't sleep but guess my mind was playing tricks on me" she shrugged at me and I could tell something was off

"We are landing" I said sitting next to her and she nodded her head, she was acting strange.

But she didn't know the surprise I had planned for her. I pulled the blindfold out from my pocket "put this over your eyes"

"Excuse me?"

"I said put this over your eyes"

"Why the fuck would I do that" she looked at me irritated, I hated this attitude she was giving but I had to keep myself in check

Nobody talks to me this way

"I have a surprise for you?"

Charlotte Crawford

He held the red blind fold in his hand as I stared at him more lost than ever "a surprise?"

I hated surprises, but I had been getting a lot of them recently

"For our honeymoon, please let me do something nice for you. Let me surprise you"

What could he possibly have in store for me? I've done everything there is to do in Italy

"Why should I trust you?" I whispered

"Because I'm your husband"

"By arrangement, if you could be with someone else you would and we both know that. So why bother preten-" he placed his finger on my lips

"I don't have a great way of expressing my emotions or how I feel Tesoro, so please I beg of you. Let me show you" I sat there in a freaking debate but I could tell I was ticking him off

"Fine, but if your about to murder me I don't suggest disposing my body in the canal please?" He rolled his and handed me a sundress

It was actually quite beautiful, I was surprised

"Surprised I can actually pick out something in good taste?" I sucked in my lips and nodded slowly which seemed to annoy him further

"Go change and come back out before we land and then I'll place this on you" he handed me the dress as I accepted it "it's the fall won't I be cold"

"That's why I brought you a shall amor" he smiled his Italian accent seeping out sending shivers down my body

I went to the bathroom and changed into the sundress and smiled, it accented my body perfectly. I smiled and wiped it off my face as I went back to the main cabin to see him staring at me

"You look beautiful" he whispered

"Save the sweet talk for later, you're taking me on a hostage trip... remember, don't put the body in the canal?" He nodded and pulled me onto his lap as I screeched

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