Fourty One

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Smutty chapter ahead 🔞
Charlotte Crawford

"Your WHAT?"

She stared at me eyes widened as I explained to her what Nate told me. Just as I did she began pacing around her dorm

It was oddly cold in here, the heat broke and to its unfortunates it was February

"I felt it was only right to drive up here to Connecticut and tell you. I don't think I'd be able to get it out over the phone"

"Usually it's the opposite" Her voice was stressed as she took a seat and stared at her feet then up to me "you think Emma's alive?"

"I wouldn't be surprised, so many secrets kept from us. She's our mother and we didn't know?"

"God you should've married the hot billionaire years ago, maybe we would've learned that we were the lost princesses of Genovia"

"Already made that joke" she pouted at me

"So what are they gonna do, dig her up? Are you going to be there when they do that, what if Amara and Harrison find out. They keep calling me, they are angry about your avoidance"

"And your not avoiding them?"

"They pay my college tuition, wether you like it or not I have to talk with them. Trust me I hate them. But they are saving my ass from loads of debt, our country is literally in crisis over it"

"I could pay for it" she shook her head at me immediately

"I don't want to bankrupt my sister" I rolled my eyes sitting against her bed

"I can afford to lose my savings, I'm married to a billionaire and no I haven't been to work in weeks. Your my baby sister and I won't have you tied to such evil people any longer, take the money"

"I'll think about it" she sighed staring at the floor once more "can't believe she's possibly alive and is just... hiding from us" she crossed her arms and looked up to me

"Can't believe she didn't just come out of the shadows and beg me not to marry Nate" she stared at me for a few moments and then bursted into laughter causing me to

"Oh please emma would've burned that bridge before it could even be built. She never wanted any man to have her girls" Belle smiled

"Have them look Charlie, she can't be alive. There's no way, Emma wouldn't do that to us" I slouched back against the wall

"Do we know that? Do we know what she would and wouldn't do Belle?" I paused for a moment and then let it out "the woman lied to us about being our aunt for years and yes I get it, but at least tell us the truth later on? She was engaged and we never even heard of our father"

"We just knew she was a journalist for some paper, her favorite things and her stories, especially ones about the ex boyfriends but non mentioning her fiancé, our dad"

"I think our trust issues just majorly increased" Belle leaned her head on my shoulder squeezing her old stuffed blue elephant "can't believe she lied to us, out of anyone. If she is alive maybe I'll kill her again" we laughed

But we were scared, there was no way Emma was alive. We'd know in the morning, we'd know that they unfortunately opened her coffin and found remains of a beautiful woman who passed years ago. Who loved her daughters but couldn't risk losing them fully, she was a good women

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