Fourty Five

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Charlotte Crawford

My phone buzzed as I laid on the couch watching a greys rerun. Sitting up as I reached for my phone I admired my ring as usual leaving my comfortable position. I looked to the screen unlocking my phone to see a message from Niccolo

I need someone to watch Teddy, please it's urgent - Niccolo

I stared at the text confused and tapped his contact attempting to call him. It went straight to voicemail. Groaning as I left the comfort of the couch, mostly annoyed by the fact that he doesn't just get a nanny.

I mean I was very pregnant, not that I don't love Teddy, but I've never been more lazy. I was still in the haze of our vacation that unfortunately ended, sending us back to our normal lives. But me basically jobless and Nate always busy

Grabbing my keys and throwing on my coat I opened the front door stepping out into the cold late February air. It was almost a hazard for me to be outside with this ice. Unlocking the car settling into the drivers side, I checked the clock to see 4:35

I turned on Bluetooth as I buckled up calling Nate. He didn't answer so I left him a voicemail "hey it's me, just calling to let you know I'm going to Niccolo's to watch Teddy" the beep came

I yawned as I started the car "He owes me so much" I pulled out of our street leaving our neighborhood behind, I wanted to go back to the couch and binge Miss Mojo videos or a Tom Holland being adorable for 7 minutes straight. I even stumbled upon a Nate Crawford being cute compilation once and I cringed.

My windshield was frosting up. It was the end of February and spring should be around the corner, we got it get our acts together! I blasted the heat tapping my fingers on the stealing wheel to the beat of a Harry song

I made my way through the city and turned the corner to 57th Street. I admired the big beautiful buildings, driving past the four seasons through traffic looking to the top where we once lived

Looking behind me to see two black Audi SUV's on my tail and causing an eye roll. The familiar driver Enzo, one of my security guards behind me "stalkers"

I pulled into 157 West taking my car into the garage. I used my pass getting the green light from the officer and waved my hand in thanks.

"Tell Nate I think he's ridiculous" I chuckled at Enzo and he nodded "I'll be back"

stepping into the metal box with specific designs on the inside with marble flooring I couldn't help but be impressed by the elevator. Quickly pressed 30 and the doors closed trapping me inside with the lyrics of John Mayers song playing in the background

"Broke one too many hearts" I sighed and looked to the ground staring at my shoes, they were almost out of eye range because of my bump, but they were cozy

The door dinged and I stepped onto the black marble flooring "Niccolo I'm here" I shouted "I got your text" I went forward towards the living room with silence

"Teddy?" I looked around still no one "Niccolo?" was nobody home. I walked further into the empty living room to see Teddy's toys laid out by the couch but him not there. I turned to go into the kitchen while bumping into him

"Niccolo I'm so-" I looked to the man, dark green emerald eyes with slick black hair "you are not Niccolo" I chuckled "I'm so sorry.. who are you"

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