Thirty Four

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Charlotte Crawford

I woke to the sound of my phone buzzing over and over again. I reached for it until I successfully grabbed it in my hand answering

"Hello" I murmured

"Sorry if I woke you, but I felt it's best to inform you that it is Nates birthday today" Will's voice rang through my ears as I sat up in bed looking to the empty space next to me

"What? He didn't tell me"

"Of course he didn't, just trying to help you out. He hates his birthday, he's probably sitting beside his mothers grave right now moping" he sighed in the other line

"December 28th a day he dreads"

"Oh wow" I paused for a moment not knowing quite what to say "He told me about Nina, so I understand why todays hard"

"He doesn't celebrate his birthday, but I figured you should know incase he's off today"

"Okay" then an idea came to mind, one he'd probably kill me for "Can you come for dinner, you and Lauren? For Nate can you do dinner tonight?" He groaned from my suggestion

"Damn it Charlotte... For Nate I'll do it, I've tried to erase the bad childhood memories of this day. Celine would do her best but, his father was the worst to him about today"  I looked out to the city as the rain fell

"Come for dinner-"

"We'll be there, I'll cook steak. The way I cook it is his favorite"

"Thank you William I owe you one" he chuckled "make sure Lauren wears that cute little black dress you love"

"Okay, bye" I ended the line and went off to the shower striping out of my pajamas


Going downstairs after my shower to start up breakfast I decided to make French toast

"Mrs.Crawford you know I can make you breakfast it's my job" I looked to Donna

"I'm just used to doing it on my own, it's alright you can take the day off, Williams coming over to make dinner and I think I'll survive lunch" she smiled at me with a polite thank you

Soon Nate came home as I watched him exit the elevator from the kitchen "You are making breakfast?"

"Where were you?" I whisked the mixture as he walked over to me leaving a kiss on my cheek

"I was running some errands" I felt his shirt against me "you are soaked you need to change your clothes" I looked to his face "gosh your drenched, you go for a run in the rain?" He nodded his head

"You'll catch a cold, go change"

"Okay mom" he mocked walking away towards the stairs "only because I care and I've never seen you take a sick day" he rolled his eyes walking up the stairs


Why would he lie to me today? I know today may be hard but I could help him through it if he'd only let me. I placed a hand on my belly as I felt our little girl kick, we were 21 weeks along

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