Twenty Two

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Nate Crawford

I looked over to see her fast asleep. We'd only got into the car just minutes ago and she already passed out

I couldn't help the urge to protect her.
Before I even knew her I wanted to protect her. Before we ended up here I needed to protect her. I hadn't felt this way in so long.

She stirred in her sleep and I moved her hair from her face. She was beautiful and I couldn't deny it. I didn't know how to feel about her

What I was feeling about her. I couldn't quite describe it, I never wanted to be away from her. But it all just seemed so rushed and happenstance, the guilt was overbearing sometimes.

What if she never forgives me for everything? Not fighting my dad back on the marriage. Taking her virginity and getting her pregnant.

The fear of being a fuck up of a dad always lingered. I felt like every nerve in my body was set on fire and I was terrified

It wasn't just a want to protect her... well rather them now. It was my job "Mr.Crawford" I looked to Harry the driver

"you have an incoming call sir" he rolled the divider back up

I took my phone answering it "hello"

"Mr.Crawford this is Lance from your security team, I've called to inform you about an attempt of break in"

"Excuse me?" Who the fuck-

"Sorry to interrupt your vacation. The suspect's name is a woman, some fan of yours"

"How did she- what did she do?" I hadn't realized I just yelled

I woke Charlotte up, she was now sitting up staring at me as I spoke not knowing what to do

"She had some type of card that gained her access to your Penthouse when we weren't looking. She triggered an alarm when she stepped inside"

I had already thought it out. Nobody should be entering my home except for me while I was gone. Especially if that was going to be our home

"Well was she arrested, did she touch anything, any boxes" my fear is if she planted anything

"No sir, we have it all on camera and she was detained" I felt a bit of relief

"Thank you Lance" I placed my phone down and felt her eyes burning through me

"What happened?"

"A fan broke into the penthouse" her face turned to upset and worry within seconds, what I tried to avoid

"People can just break in that easily" her hand went straight to her stomach clutching it

"There is nothing to fear, it'll be just fine"

"But it's not safe"

"It's fine"

"What if I was there? What if she harmed me or you Nate, that's going to be out home and someone just broke in-"

"And they caught it!" I growled

"nobody's fucking in my house" it was way more harsh than I had intended and it showed on her face as it immediately changed


Her eyes began to water "they caught it, it's safe I know it's safe. I've lived there for so many years and this has never happened and they caught it"

She nodded her head slowly "I'm sorry"

"No it's okay" she whispered

"Your upset" and I'm acting like an idiot

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