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Charlotte Bartlett

We pulled into a parking garage. My eyes were still closed but I could tell by the echoing sound of his engine as we entered and the sudden lighting change. I opened my eyes and sat up

"This is not my building" I looked around

"How would we be going to your place if I have no idea where you live?" He pulled into a separated area. It was laced was expensive cars and he pulled his car right next to a black Bugatti

We stepped out of the car and he came over to my side but I stepped out and shut the door before he could open it for me

"Better speed up if you wanna be a gentlemen" I giggled walking in front of him entering the elevator that lead us to the lobby as the people at the front desk looked over to us

"Good evening Mr.Crawford" he nodded at them and they went back to their computers. We entered a private elevator and the doors shut. He pressed a dark gray button which I assume was the top floor.

He looked at my arm again taking it and rubbing his finger over the nail digs and looked at me "I'm fine, I have enough on my plate already to worry about this" I stared into his eyes as he looked into mine more serious this time

"Has he done this before?" he questioned

I stayed silent, I didn't feel the need to talk about it "Charlotte" he said as I looked away

"Tesoro, has he done this to you?" He repeated and I glimpsed back at his face looking more worried than before

"My usual routine was hiding the bruises with my nars concealer stick" I mumbled trying to keep my face neutral, I didn't want to blubber anymore about it

"He abused you" I was silent for a moment and then I nodded "I was manipulated into think that someone could love me, I grew up unloved and basically alone" I said coldly

The doors opened and he took my hand as we walked in stepping into his penthouse and then it hit me

"I can't believe you live at 30 fucking park place" then I realized that we didn't even go to the main lobby, that would explain the private elevator

"I wanted to be better than everyone else?" he shrugged

"Your home is beautiful" I said as I walked in more and then looked at him "our home" he replied and I could feel myself blushing. He was basically a stranger I barely knew him

I had to tell him, I knew I had to but how. I turned to him to see his body basically on mine. I ran my fingers down his shirt feeling his muscles break through and I pulled off his black blazer. I looked at him and our eyes met again he pulled me in for a kiss which set me off

I wrapped my arms around his neck as he lifted me by my ass which led me to straddle him. He carried me towards the staircase as I kissed his neck, as we entered  his room he placed me down on the bed and I reached his his white collared shirt ripping it off causing the buttons to fly "eager huh Tesoro" he whispered as I leaned in taking his lips in mine

He slid off my jeans to reveal my lace black thong and I removed his belt, throwing it somewhere in his room. He pulled off my top to which now I was bare "no bra?" He questioned looking at my bare nipples

I couldn't wear one, they were far too sensitive. But then my mind drifted back, I'm pregnant. My mind started to get off track I knew sex was safe while pregnant but- before I could continue to think he took off my underwear spreading my legs

"Are you sure Tesoro" I smiled and nodded "I need words, I won't do anything without your consent" he pulled down his pants revealing his length and ripped open a condom

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