Bonus 2

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Author's Note:

Because of the recent love, and me having trouble letting go of my characters! I've written an extra bonus chapter <3

Thanks for the support!

- Em!

Charlotte Crawford

I stared out at the pink tulips that rolled as far as the eye could see. The windmill in the back spinning this time making it extra magical.

I heard her little gasp as she followed behind me squealing at the sight before her and soon her soft dirty blonde French braids flew in front of me as she ran towards them.

"Mummy!" She cheered.

Turning back to look at me pondering the same question of if the sight before her was just another one of her dreams or reality "It's beautiful right baby?" I scooped her up in my arms and she looked behind me.

"Daddy! Daddy look!!" She pointed towards the tulips as I felt him embrace me from behind kissing the top of my head.

"It's beautiful principessa" the field empty, not another soul in sight but us. It brought back so many beautiful memories.

The first time I understood slightly where our feelings lay. That maybe he did love me, but I knew indefinitely that I loved him.

A breeze swooped in moving the tulips to the left as Care stood in front of them "Can I go in mummy!" I nodded and she stepped between the flowers giggling as she ran around.

"Mama" his little voice spoke to me and I turned to our three year old who just woke up.

"Hey baby" I whispered as his little arm stretched out "did you get a good rest?" He reached for me and I lifted him up into my arms.

He nuzzled his face into my neck giving me butterfly kisses "Someone's still tired?" I whispered and he nodded.

"Look at all the pretty flowers" he opened his eyes and they slowly widened, he was too sleepy to understand his surroundings.

He now wanted out from my arms as I placed him down to follow Mary Caroline as she ran her fingers through the pink petals.

"We did it" he whispered into my ear. His arms pressing me back against him as he rested his chin on my shoulder.

"We did didn't we?" I questioned turning my gaze to meet his.

He pressed his lips against mine forming into a grin "Thank you" he whispered.

"Thank you?"

"For giving me everything I've ever wanted and more" I laid my head against him placing my hand on his jawline.

"Anytime" I chuckled softly.

"Thanks for breaking the rules again for us" I whispered.

"Anytime" he mumbled.

"I can't believe I married you" I began to giggle.

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