Chapter 1

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Sounds like the same thing to me...

Starting tomorrow, I'll be a sophomore at the wonderful Beacon Hills High School.


My twin brother Scott is in his room doing something with a lacrosse stick, and I'm trying to figure out what to wear tomorrow.

I don't particularly like dressing up, but I know first impressions are important.

However, I can't seem to find a reason high school is.

I mean AP Calculus isn't going to help me train dogs for the FBI K-9 unit... just saying. Not to mention, when you start college, the grades you've made up to that point, your SAT and even ACT scores don't matter anymore. But the law is the law, and the law says I have to go.

It's not that I'm a bad student, quite the opposite actually. I just don't see the point in going if I'm not going to remember anything I learn five years from now.

Picking through my clothes I pull a nice top and jeans, and now that I'm looking back at what I picked... it's nothing out of the ordinary.

Why am I stressing so much over this?

Releasing a heavy breath, I go to brush my teeth for bed, but upon entering the bathroom that I share with Scott, he is doing a series of chin-ups on this extendable bar thing in the doorway from the bathroom to his room... and his shirtless back is facing me.

"Scott... what are you doing?"

"Wha—" he drops to the ground in surprise, landing flat on his face.


"Oooo... sorry... I didn't think I'd scare you."

"You- you didn't scare me."

"I didn't?"


"Then why'd you fall on your face?"

"I did that on purpose..."

"Mmmhmm. Ok... whatever." A small chuckle escapes my lips, at his inability to lie, then I go back to my nightly routine of brushing my teeth and washing my face, prompting Scott to do the same.

"You ready for school tomorrow?" I ask.

"Yeah, I just need to get some sleep before tryouts."

What on earth does he need sleep to do at tryouts? Sit there and bounce his leg in anticipation?

But who am I to crush the little asthmatic's dreams of being a sports star?

"Well good for you Scotty. I'll see you in the morning then, goodnight"

"Goodnight, Liza! Love you!" it was his turn to surprise me, but with a hug.

"I love you too." I smile, thinking about how lucky I was to have such a good brother.

I return to my room, cut the lights off and climb into bed. I hadn't even been laying down for five minutes when I hear Scott shuffling around in his room.

"What are you doing now?!"

"I heard something outside. I'm going to check it out." He explains as quietly as he can, popping his head through the doorway of my room, so he doesn't have to yell.

"Hold on." I groan in annoyance, "I'm coming too."

"You don't need to."

"Boy. You think I'm gonna let my twin brother go check out a sketchy-ass noise outside our house by himself? I don't think so."

Inferno - Stiles Stilinski Where stories live. Discover now