Chapter 9

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"So, you killed her?" Stiles asks.

Scott apparently had a nightmare last night where he completely mauled Allison on a school bus after they made out... that's not at all disturbing.

Scott shrugs exasperatedly as we continue to walk down the hallway, "I don't know. I just woke up. And I was sweating like crazy, and I couldn't breathe. I've never had a dream where I woke up like that before."

"Really? I have. Normally they end a little differently..." Stiles raises his shoulders, his eyes darting to me for a millisecond.

WOW. OK. I mean I've definitely had those dreams too, but I'd never tell Stiles and Scott that... especially since they're about the former. I don't want to even think about how his dreams like that are about Lydia. That idea hurts too much to entertain, and I would have preferred not to know he even had them.

I smack Stiles' arm, "That is absolutely nauseating. I could have gone my entire life without knowing that. Blech."

"A) I mean I've never had a dream that felt that real and B)..." Scott gives him a disgusted expression, "Never give me that much detail about you in bed again. Especially when it involves-" A hand suddenly clamps over his mouth.

"OK! I get it! " Stiles cuts him off with a nervous laugh, grabbing his shoulder roughly.

What on earth was that for? We all know it's Lydia... why is he being so weird about Scott saying it out loud.

Whatever... this is Stiles we're talking about, normal logic... doesn't exactly apply.

Anyway, back to Scott.

"So why do you think it's happening?" I ask, although I'm already pretty sure I know exactly why.

"Let me take a guess here." Our best friend begins.

"No, I know—" Scott interrupts him, "You think it has something to do with me going out with Allison tomorrow, like I'm gonna lose control and rip her throat out."

Stiles gapes at him as though he was offended, "No, of course not..."

"Then what is it?" I question, sending him an amused look.

"...Yeah, that's totally it."

I let out a small giggle and turn back to Scott, who sighs with a glum expression.

"Hey, Scotty, it's gonna be fine, ok?" I reassure him, grabbing his arm lightly for support.

"Personally, I think you're handling this pretty freakin' amazingly. You know, it's not like there's a Lycanthropy for beginners class you can take." Stiles comments.

His words seem to spark an idea in Scott's brain, "Yeah... not a class, but maybe a teacher."

"Please don't say you're thinking about who I think you're thinking about." I plead.

"Who, Derek?" Stiles asks.

When Scott doesn't answer, it confirms my suspicions, and earns him a slap on the back of the neck from our friend.

"Seriously? I thought we were done with that guy." I huff.

I really don't see how involving ourselves with Derek Hale will end in any way that would be beneficial to us.

If anything, it'll probably just cause us more trouble.

"You forgetting the part where we got him tossed in jail?" Stiles adds.

Almost forgot about that...

Oh wait, no I didn't.

"Yeah, I know, but chasing her, dragging her to the back of the bus... it felt so real."

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