Chapter 25

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I hate hospitals.

I still haven't gotten used to the enhanced senses yet... especially the smells. I mean hospitals have always had this distinct odor, but now it's dialed to eleven, and the constant smell of alcohol and disinfectants is burning my nose.

I can't wait to get out of here... and fortunately for me, I'm getting released tonight.

The doctors say it's because I wasn't injured too badly... and they can continue to think that. Although they still can't seem to figure out why I passed out, they've agreed that since I'm recovering well, I can go home.

Lydia on the other hand wasn't so lucky.

According to my mom, she's been awake, but the recovery has been a slow process, and the fact that she hasn't completely healed means she isn't a werewolf either.

Great... just what we need.

TWO supernatural creatures to research before the next full moon... me and Lydia, what a pair.

I slip on my Birkenstocks and head to the hallway to check on how she's doing.

Since they've been keeping such a close eye on her, I haven't been allowed to see her, but my mom told me she would get me in to see her if I wanted.

The moment I step out of my room, the harsh smell of the hospital is replaced with a warm inviting one, and as weird as it sounds, I immediately know it's Stiles. It's not that his cologne is particularly unique, it's just something in the underlying tones of the scent tell me it's him.

I'm proved correct when I reach the seating area closest to my room, which just happened to be at the end of the hallway, where Lyd's room is. I'm met with the sight of the boy sprawled out over several of the lobby chairs in a position that CAN'T be comfortable, with a 'get well' balloon tied to his wrist... and he's fast asleep.

But is he quietly sleeping?

Of course not.

He's mumbling... "Yes, just like that... No, you first..."

I don't wanna know.

I don't wanna know.

I don't wanna know.

My mom walks into the lobby giving him an exasperated face as he continues sleep talking, "Oh, me first?" He giggles then snorts in his sleep, and in order not to laugh, I turn to my mom

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My mom walks into the lobby giving him an exasperated face as he continues sleep talking, "Oh, me first?" He giggles then snorts in his sleep, and in order not to laugh, I turn to my mom.

"He's been here all night?" I point at Stiles who is now kissing the air.

Mom nods, "He's been here all weekend."

"Didn't anyone tell him to go home?"

"Oh yeah... lots of people have... me included. All he said was 'like hell I'd leave her again'."

Mom returns to her rounds, while I look back at the boy and watch as a nurse attempts to change the bag in the trash can under his head.

It's going... well, about as smoothly as it can, until he ruins it, muttering "You're dirty."

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