Chapter 33

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Allison is breathing deeply, and clutching her phone so she seems to be considering something pretty heavily.

"Oh jeez, what are you doing?" Stiles asks.

"I think-I think I have to call my dad."

"No, but if he finds you here, you and Scott—"

"I know," She grimly nods, "but what are we supposed to do? They're not here to scare us, ok? They're here to kill Lydia."

I'd like to see them try...

"I got an idea—just shoot one of 'em." Stiles suggests.

"Are you serious?"

"We told Scott we could protect ourselves, so let's do it! Or at least give it a shot, right?"

"Ok." Allison hesitantly agrees, still not completely sold on the idea.

"Look, they don't think we're gonna fight, so if one of them gets hit, I guarantee they'll take off." He shrugs, "So, just shoot one of 'em."

The young huntress peeks out the window, "Which one?"

"Uh, Derek. Yeah, shoot him. Preferably in the head."

"Stiles. If Scott was able to catch an arrow, Derek definitely can." I roll my eyes.

"Ok, uh, just shoot one of the other three then."

"How 'bout Erica... I vote her. Blast the blonde-headed bimbo's fake ass face off."

The two of them look at me like I'm crazy... so I rephrase, "I mean... any of other three... not that I have a preference or anything... any of them would work."

"You mean two."

"No, she means three." Stiles corrects.

What the hell does she mean, two?

Both Stiles and I look out the window and just as Allison said, there are only two betas.

"Where the hell is Isaac?" I whisper, loud enough for them to hear me.

Disregarding the missing boy, Allison aims her bow at the window, ready to shoot, when out of nowhere, Isaac appears, taking her out, then tossing Stiles to the ground.

Oh, it's on buddy.

It's taking everything inside me not to let my eyes flash and to keep my nose from smoking.

I can feel the spark inside me starting to light, so before it does, I charge at the werewolf and tackle him across the room, slamming him against the wall, instantly knocking him unconscious when his head comes in contact with the wood.

After I get up, I see that he's not moving, and cringe slightly, "Oops..."

I wasn't exactly trying to knock the guy out; I was simply trying to get him away from Stiles.

"Damn Lizzy..." my boyfriend stares at the scene in front of him in shock.

Allison finally comes to, and I immediately tell her to get Lydia to hide, which she does, but everything goes to hell when she shouts, "Stiles, Elizabeth... it's here."


This thing seriously has worse timing than a period.

Running upstairs, I get to Scott's room in time to see Allison carefully loading an arrow into her bow. I notice she's coated it with the kanima goo.

"Good idea." I whisper, freezing when I hear Erica stomping up the stairs, "Great, here she comes."

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