Chapter 36

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I don't think I could even explain in words, how much I don't want to do this.

After school ends, our little "detention group" is herded into the library. I sit at the first table I get to, and Scott and Stiles plop down at the same table, unfortunately, there was still an empty seat, which is soon taken by Erica.

I roll my eyes as she sits down, poking her chest out in an attempt to catch Stiles' eye.

But he's not paying attention at all.

He's tiredly rubbing his neck as he puts his head on the table.

I frown at the stress I can smell pouring off of him and start rubbing his shoulders to release some of the tension.

At one of the other tables, sits Allison, Matt, and Jackson, who I guess just now realized that he'd have to be near Scott and Stiles.

"Oh, uh, we can't be in detention together. I have a restraining order against these tools."

"All of these tools?" Harris asks.

"No, just us tools..." Stiles answers, motioning between himself and Scott.

"Fine. You two, over there." He points to a further table, and all three of us move.

Fine by me. I didn't want to sit by Erica anyway.

"Miss McCall, I had no idea you'd be here." Harris calls, seeming to just now notice my presence.

I look at him in shock, "But I was in the group that—"

"Oh, I deeply apologize, you're free to go if you'd like."

"Actually, I was going to help my brother and Stiles study, is that ok?"

"Of course. Lord knows they need it, and who better to tutor them than my best student. That's very kind of you Miss McCall." He smiles.

Ew. Gross.

I return a fake smile and sit down with the boys as he walks away.

Scott is muttering angrily and clenching his fists, seething in rage while staring at Jackson, "I'm gonna kill him."

"No, you're not." Stiles sighs, "You're going to find out who's controlling him, and then you're gonna help save him."

Scott looks over at Jackson momentarily before whipping back around to face us, "No, you were right—let's kill him."

"Oh, no."

"Listen to yourself." I snap.

"He went after Allison... NAKED!"

"Then she can join the club! He went after us too! And was technically naked!"

"You almost did kill him earlier! Why can't I?!"

"Scott. This isn't you. Now shut it."


Stiles is looking around the room when his eyes finally land on Matt.

Stiles is looking around the room when his eyes finally land on Matt

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