Chapter 20

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On the way to Stiles' house after school, he starts explaining his whole 'finesse-required' plan, "So basically, we're gonna trace the text Allison received the night we were trapped in the school and see who sent it."

I raise one eyebrow suspiciously, "And how are you doing that? Do you even know how to trace a text?"

"Ummmm... no. But we both know someone who can."

"Really? Who?"

"Danny." He smiles evilly, handing me a file.

"Seriously Sti? You looked up his arrest report? That has GOT to be illegal. I'm not looking at that. I refuse to be labeled as an accomplice." I toss the file in the back, careful that nothing falls out.

"Oh, hush. Anyways it clearly shows that he can do it."

"Yeah, if you can get him to help you."

"That's why you're here darlin'." he fakes a heavy southern accent, making me chuckle.

"Wow... I feel so used."

His eyes widen and starts mentally freaking out, so I laugh, showing him that I was only joking, which seems to calm him back down.

We pull up to his house and get out, making our way up to his room. I plop down on his bed, never looking up from my phone, while Stiles drops his backpack on the floor and sits in his desk chair, starting to do something on his computer.

"Hey Stiles!" the Sherriff's voice calls from down the hallway, but his son is too immersed in whatever he's doing on the laptop to give a proper answer. Instead, he twists around halfway, keeping his eyes on the screen, "Yo, D—" and the next thing I hear is, "Derek?"

My head snaps up and I have to force myself not to scream at the sight of the large brooding man in the corner.


"OH MY GOD WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DO—" He cuts off my whisper-yelling by shooting a finger to his lips, signaling for me to shut up, before turning to Stiles with the same look, then pointing to the door of the room that is still open.

"I, um..." Stiles looks at the door frantically, and stumbles as he slips into the hall outside and closes the door with a clumsy crash, casing it to rattle on the hinges.

He did NOT just shut me in this room with Derek.

I'm going to kill him.

As Stiles talks to his dad outside, Derek and I are locked in a staring competition. He could kill me the moment I take my eyes off of him...

Well, he could kill me even if my eyes were on him, but that's not the point.

While the two of us glare at each other, I start to listen in on the conversation being held outside the door.

"See you there," Stilinski says, and I can hear the smile in his voice, he must be talking about the game tonight, "oh, and have you asked Eliz—"

Huh? Derek's eyebrows raise as he smirks at me...

What the heck? What was that for? That's new... I don't like it.

"NO..." Stiles blurts, but then normalizes his tone again, "I mean uh... no, not yet... um... take it easy."

I hear heavy footsteps travelling down the hallway, then an exhale of relief from Stiles before he slips back into his room.

"I'm sorr—" he begins, but is cut short when he's harshly grabbed by Derek and pushed up against the back of the bedroom door, "Oh."

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