Chapter 8

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Scott, Stiles, and I watch as Derek is marched out of his charred house in handcuffs. He also doesn't hesitate to send my brother a scowl that's the epitome of 'I hate your guts'.

Scott looks down to the ground with a mixture of guilt and shame, aimlessly kicking some leaves around. When I look back up, Derek is getting shoved into the back of a cop car, which compared to him, looks extremely too small. Before I can imagine how uncomfortably crammed, he is, I notice Stiles creeping over to the now unattended car.

He is so not fixing to-

Yep. He is.

"No!" Scott mutters realizing what Stiles is about to do.

He looks around to make sure nobody is watching, then quickly hops into the front passenger seat of the car.

"Oh my God, Stiles why?" I whisper-yell a tad louder than I expected to, but thankfully, nobody hears me.

Scott shakes his head and looks away, not able to watch the train wreck that's bound to happen.

This is not gonna end well for Stiles when his dad finds out.

Speaking of which... here he comes.

Once seeing that his son idiotically got into a police car with a possible murderer, Stilinski reaches in, yanks him out by his left arm and drags him off.

"Ow. Ow. Ow." Stiles is complaining the whole way.

Then Stilinski finally lets him go, "There. Stand." The boy exhales loudly and finally meets his father's gaze, likely preparing himself for the incoming lecture."What the hell do you think you're doing?"

My thoughts exactly.

"I'm just trying to help!" he scoffs, as if thinking his dad should be grateful for what he did, rather than upset.

"Ok, well, how 'bout you help me understand exactly how you came upon this."

Stiles better not mess this up.

The look on his face says he knows he's in trouble but is still going to try and talk himself out of it anyway.

"...We were looking for Scott's inhaler."

"Which he dropped when?" Stilinski impatiently asks.

Shit, don't say the other night.

He hesitates before answering, "The other night."

Damn it.

"The other night... when you and Elizabeth were out here looking for the first half of the body?"

Woah hey now, don't bring me into it.



"The night that you told me you two were alone and Scott was at home?"


He walked right into that one...

His eyes widen epiphanically, "...No." then immediately cringes when he realizes what he just said.

Oh my God Stiles, we've talked about this! YOU HAVE TO THINK ABOUT WHAT YOU'RE SAYING BEFORE YOU SAY IT!

I don't know why I'm screaming at him in my mind, it's not like he can hear me, but it makes me feel better nonetheless.

When Stilinski gives him a hard look, he sighs, "Oh, crap..."

"So, you lied to me?" Noah sounds exhausted and completely out of patience, and honestly, I am too.

"That depends on how you define 'lying'..." his son reluctantly responds.

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