Chapter 27

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The first day of school after Lydia's little adventure in the woods, I decided to forgo riding with Stiles and Scott, and instead rode with Allison and Lydia.

As expected, Allison and I had lots of questions, most of which, Lydia couldn't answer because she doesn't remember a thing.

"You really don't remember anything?" Allison asks as we walk towards the school entrance.

"They call it a 'fugue state'," Lydia tells us, "Which is basically a way of saying, 'we have no idea why you can't remember running through the woods naked for two days.' But personally, I don't care." She turns around to face us and holds her hands out to show off her body, "I lost nine pounds."

Because that's all that matters right?

Allison eyes the door and exhales deeply, "Are you ready for this?"

"Please." The strawberry blonde scoffs, "It's not like my aunt's a serial killer." She whips around and parades into the school leaving me and a very hurt looking Allison.

"Allis—" I begin, but she cuts me off.

"No... she's right... my aunt is—was a serial killer." Her face drops and she stares at the ground.

"And my brother is a werewolf. See? Every family has its black sheep." I grab her upper arm gently to get her to look at me, "Don't take her too seriously Ally. It's just her way of coping."

Allison sadly nods and we both head in after Lydia, only to find her stopped in the doorway, wide-eyed with everyone gawking at her.

She might be used to getting everyone's attention, but not like this. They're looking at her like she's a wackjob.

"Maybe it's the nine pounds." I suggest quietly, hoping to provide her with a little confidence boost.

It seems to do the trick, because she gives a tight smile and lifts her head, then flips her hair and struts off, once again leaving Allison and I to follow, silently smiling at each other, as we admire our best friend.


I'm sitting on the lacrosse bench by Scott and Stiles, listening to them tell me about Scott sensing a new werewolf in the locker room.

"It was kind of like a scent, but I couldn't tell who it was."

"What if you got him one-on-one," Stiles suggests, "Would that help?"

Scott thinks for a moment then nods, "Yeah."

"Ok. I think I got an idea." Stiles says before running over and talking to Coach.

"...That sentence always ends well." I sarcastically groan.

A few minutes later, Stiles returns with a handful of goalie equipment in his arms, "I told Coach you're switching with Danny for the day."

Ok, so his brilliant plan is to put Scott up against each player so he can determine who the new werewolf is... that's actually not a bad idea.

Let's see how they manage to screw this up.

Scott, however, doesn't understand because his face contorts in confusion, "But, I hate playing goal."

"Remember when I said I had an idea?" Stiles asks, messing around with the equipment.

Yes. Because it kinda made me want to run home and hide.

When Scott doesn't respond, Stiles looks blankly at him, "...This is the plan."

"Oh." Scott starts to catch on, causing our friend to nod and smile.

"There we go."

Or at least we thought he was beginning to catch on, "What's the idea?"

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