Chapter 21

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"So where are we going again?" I groan, trying to stretch my legs out in the back seat of the jeep.

"We're going to make sure Argent doesn't kill Jackson." Scott explains, gazing out the window.

"And why exactly are we doing that?"


"I'm being serious. A couple days ago, he broke up with Lyds over a freaking text and called her dead weight. If he wants to be involved in this so bad, why not just let him."

"She makes a fair point Scott." Stiles flicks his eyes off the road and towards my brother.

"Both of you. We are NOT letting Jackson DIE."

"Fine. But when he ends up being a dick and screwing you over... because he will. Imma, say I told you so." I sing as we take an exit to some random parking lot. I lean up between the boys and grab the aux cord and plug it into my phone.

"Noooooo... Liza you do NOT get aux." Scott cringes.

"Stiiiiiiilllllleeeessss????" I draw out, giving him the puppy eyes.

"That's cheating. Not fair."

"Oh... it's fair... Stiles, may I pretty please have aux."

"Of Course, you can, Lizzy." He smiles at me in the rear-view mirror.

"You traitor." Scott grumbles towards him.

"You're the one who won't let Jackson suffer the consequences of his own desires..." I flick the back of his neck and shuffle the Ultimate Awesome Mix playlist Stiles and I created.

When we get to the parking lot, Jackson and Mr. Argent are leaning over the Porsche engine, and Allison's dad is inspecting something on Jackson's neck, probably the claw marks we saw the night of the school lock-in horror story.

We pull up to the scene with "Back in Black" blasting through the jeep speaker system.

Stiles slams to a stop, resulting in all of us lurching forwards. Scott lets out a "yo" and waves casually while Stiles smiles and dramatically calls "What's up?"

"Is everything ok?" Scott asks, turning the music down.

"Hey, Scott. Your friend here was just having car trouble. We're just taking a look." Argent greets fakely.

"There's a shop right down the street. I'm sure they have a tow truck."

"Yeah. You want a ride?" Stiles offers.

Scott opens the passenger door, and I slide up in between the boys, making my presence known, "Hey, come on, Jackson—you're way too pretty to be out here all by yourself."

Jackson hesitantly nods before coming over to climb in the jeep. Scott gets out to let him in the back when Argent calls, "Hey, boys?" he goes around to the driver's side and starts the car without any trouble, "Told you I knew a thing or two about cars."

Argent then gets back into his red SUV and leaves the parking lot.

"What, are you following me now?" Jackson yells aggravatedly once the SUV is out of sight.

Scott exasperatedly slams the door to the jeep, "Yes, you stupid freaking idiot! You almost gave away everything right there!"

Stiles and I hop out of the car and walk around to where the two boys are arguing.

"What are you talking about?"

"He thinks you're the second beta."


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